New Life #401 – Suicide
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
How does a Kabbalist relate to the phenomenon of suicide? How can it be prevented with the help of learning about the purpose of life, and what social inquiry does the phenomenon lead us to?
We can see the phenomenon of suicide even among animals. This indicates that this phenomenon is embedded in nature. There have always been suicides. People do not consider their corporeal life as the most important thing. Going out to war endangers a person’s life and there is also the death penalty.
On the one hand, we spend a lot of money on saving people’s lives and, on the other hand, on wars and killing. A person who commits suicide calculates matters and sees that his life isn’t worth the effort of preserving it.
It is possible to heal the inclination to commit suicide as well as depression and despair. If a creature from another planet studied our life today, he might not find a justification for living it. Suicide is a call for us to examine our life: why are people brought to depression and despair? Our life probably has another purpose, a more internal purpose, than just living the way we do.
It cannot be that nature has developed us for no real purpose. We have to find that purpose. Our sages said that a man would be better off if he weren’t created, but since he was created, he has to study the reason for which he was created. The purpose of life is to reach “love thy friend as thyself.”
When a person fulfills this rule, he breaks through to eternity. Suicide is a result of the lack of understanding of the purpose of life and of what a person can attain during one’s lifetime. The rate of suicide is growing because the ego is growing, requiring more strongly inside us to fulfill life, but it doesn’t happen… the younger generation looks at us as dinosaurs, “what are you living for…?” All the virtual connections and the advanced technology only intensify their feeling of emptiness and despair.
The wisdom of connection brings people to a special connection between them, a connection in which they discover an enlightened upper world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #401 – I and the Society: Suicide,” 6/12/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #401 – I and the Society: Suicide,” 6/12/16
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