The common soul is divided into twelve tribes because it consists of the four-letter name of the Creator “Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey” (called HaVaYaH), and each of these letters includes three lines: right, left, and middle.
Four times three equals twelve parts, i.e., twelve tribes, twelve different types of work to correct the desires that must connect together into one single whole.
The place where the twelve tribes work shall be called the Third Temple – the abode of the Creator. After all, the Creator is where the above-egoistic desires, expectations, and aspirations of the entire humanity connect, as it is written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:7).
This was not said about the first two Temples, because they were preliminary ones and had to be destroyed and rebuilt in the form of the Third Temple that will be built in our hearts.
So far we are just beginning to spread this idea throughout the world. But the impulse has been given. We have already started to move in this direction.
When I was young and next to my teacher, it seemed to me that this was about to happen, and now I understand that it is necessary to go and work. After all, the Kabbalists worked on this all these thousands of years and did not panic, did not become depressed, and did not despair.
They knew that they had to put their little stone into the general picture: to attract more and more people, to talk to, show, and at least somehow shape them, to direct them to the vision of the future common state where we can reveal the single Creator in our common heart.
We live in a wonderful time when we make a transition from the absolute concealment of the upper world into its attainment! We begin to talk about this world, develop the method of discovering it, and disseminate it everywhere to both ourselves and the nations of the world.
Of course, this requires time. I hope that my students will have their students, who will continue this work—I am absolutely certain of it. However, when it manifests, it depends on our persistence.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/30/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 6/30/16
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