The text of the Torah can never be perceived in the ordinary sense as a historical narrative.
This is a code that we must decipher. It has four degrees of understanding and the deepest degree is the wisdom of Kabbalah. Through it we reach the truth, and therefore Kabbalah is called the true wisdom.
Each one can decipher this code, but in order to do it, he must change himself, develop and expand his mind and senses. Then he will discover what is actually written in the Torah.
There are four stages of presentation of the Torah, and each of them is an additional development with respect to the level where we are born and live in this world. The Torah doesn’t imply that its text will be understood literally, as in any other book. It expects that a person will change himself and understand the writing on a more internal level.
Imagine that a child reads a fairy tale with his mother, how a prince met a girl, fell in love with her, and took her to his palace. The son only receives very shallow, primitive information from this story, and a mother understands it more deeply and sees what really happened there because she is familiar with the nature of people. That is, each understands the story according to the level of his development.
First, we need to understand that it is necessary to develop a person so that he will understand the Torah. The Torah itself prepares us for the understanding of it, if we study it correctly. Advancing to the love of others, the great rule of the Torah, to the extent of the expansion of this love within ourselves, we learn to understand the Torah deeper and deeper.
We perceive the reality where we live in a wider, deeper, and more multi-faceted manner. Then we really see all four degrees in it.
Love for others begins with close friends and extends to the nation and then to the entire world. If the entire humanity becomes as close to me as my own children and myself, then from this feeling I can understand what the Torah says; there is no other way.
Question: Who develops whom? Does the Torah develop a person or does a person have to develop to understand the Torah?
Answer: A person can develop only through studying the “inner Torah,” in other words, Kabbalah.
Love for others reveals new feelings in us that allow us to exit ourselves. Now I want to draw everything to me and to investigate it within me, only for my own benefit. But if I go out and begin to love my neighbor, I feel the reality that is outside of me. It already doesn’t depend on my relation to it and how much I benefit from it. It is the way it is by itself, as if I don’t exist.
Reality is not refracted in my feelings and mind anymore. After all, once I exit my own egoistic perception, I acquire the feelings and mind of the general system that the Torah provides to me. These are the feelings and mind of the upper system, and with them I can feel and understand all of nature in its true form.
Thanks to this, I reach eternity and perfection inherent in nature. I don’t bring interferences to nature as before due to my limitations, stereotypes, incorrect understanding, and perception in the material senses and the mind that I acquired during the life in this generation.
It turns out that the Torah raises me to the degree of eternity and perfection. I even cease to depend on my body. The body can suddenly get sick and die, and I will stay in the same consciousness, in the same mind and feelings that I acquired. Since the Torah is eternal, it makes me an immortal person—an eternal entity that is called the soul.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/20/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 10/20/16
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