New Life #770 – The Month Of Selichot (Forgiveness)
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
We have to know the structure of reality in order to understand the meaning ofSelichot. We are all connected in one system, but this system is shattered.We have to fix the network between us since it will not be corrected by itself and will only reveal more and more how torn it is.
The right forgiveness is an outcome of the recognition of evil in us, in our attitude to love and mutuality, which should be in the corrected system. We ask for forgiveness for not having set a good example for others. It isn’t just lip service but an examination of where we have neglected the correction of the connection between us. There is no point starting a new year, a new change, before conducting serious soul searching and examining whether we have tuned ourselves correctly.
The prayers for forgiveness begin with self-examination because by being uncorrected we are the cause of all the evil in the world. Before we rush to correct our relations with anyone we must first correct ourselves internally. Then our external attitude to others will also be corrected, of course. Before the correction, we need to acquire a “ruler” according to which we can measure the good and evil in the system.
The right system is based on a connection from heart to heart, as one man in one heart, according to the rule of love thy friend as thyself. The right forgiveness includes the correction of my evil attitude toward the whole world, the correction of the evil inclination into a good inclination called true repentance. Through love, a person raises himself to the Creator’s level.
From KabTV’s “New Life #770 – The Month Of Selichot (Forgiveness),” 9/20/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #770 – The Month Of Selichot (Forgiveness),” 9/20/16
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