Answer: We are not talking about an animal fear. I am not able to intimidate myself, and that is a wrong attitude toward the Creator, to the upper force, because He is absolute, perfect, fills everything, and is infinitely good.
The fact is, that I have to artificially create a system of relationships between my friends and me that will be called the upper world or the Creator. As a result, the system must pass the test of truth and be such that it coincides with the existing system, which was created by the Creator from the descent from the top down, and we create this system by rising from the bottom up.To the extent they match, the two systems are combined, and the upper system is placed in the lower, and is felt as one single entity.
The upper system is called the Upper Light that is included in us this way. And the lower system is a system of our corrected relationships that must conform to the Upper Light. That is, we must create such relationships between us, like in the Light, and despite the fact that our system consists of the lowest, coarse desires, we must make it similar to the Upper Light of the Creator. Then it will fill the lower system and both worlds will merge. This state is considered corrected.
Comment: It turns out that you walk in the dark from the bottom upward….
Answer: But you have “tablets” for this—instruction manuals. And most importantly, you have your egoism that stops and confuses you all the time. Thanks to it, you constantly turn to the Creator and receive some help from Him.
After all, on the one side (on the left) egoism pushes you away from the goal, on the other side, you need help from the right. This way, thanks to these two forces, when one is allegedly “against,” and another is “for” (although they both are “for”), you move forward. We just need to learn to use them correctly.
Question: Does it mean that the smallest degree of deviation from the correct angle takes us in a completely different direction from the meeting with the Creator?
Answer: No, the fact is that after reaching the first degree where we get included into each other, the minimal degree of deviation is corrected all the time and the correction takes place with higher accuracy.
Question: What is the fear in the movement from the bottom upward?
Answer: This is a fear not to guess the desire of the Creator and to do something that will disappoint people and Him. This is the state that all of us should have.
Question: So how can we disappoint people?
Answer: The fact that in this case they would feel themselves imperfect and would have the feeling of mutual shame that literally “burns” them. Therefore, we must try to make the relationships between us similar to the attitude of the Creator toward us.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/16/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/16/16
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