New Life #754 – Laziness And Effort
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Our nature is a desire for pleasure. We are attracted to pleasure and run away from suffering.
In disseminating the wisdom of Kabbalah, I don’t feel effort or fatigue because the energy and power to act in a particular direction are the result of the importance that it has in my eyes. The importance of an idea like this or another depends on the value that the environment provides for it. The force of laziness stops a person from doing something unnecessary and causes him to clarify whether it is worthwhile to do it or not according to the equation: energy – laziness = feasibility.
In general, there is no success in anything without effort. Effort is a prerequisite for success because through it an individual builds tools. If a person were given something without his having exerted effort, he would not know how to enjoy it because we have pleasure only according to the amount that we invest in it.
“A year of work is sweet” means that someone who makes an effort to earn his bread finds more pleasure in it than someone who doesn’t make an effort.
From KabTV’s “New Life #754 – Laziness And Effort,” 8/4/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #754 – Laziness And Effort,” 8/4/16
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