New Life #458 – The Roots Of The Eternal Anti-Semitism Until The End Of Correction, Part 5
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Question: There are many legitimate claims against Israel today. Do you think that it is because of anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism, or political disagreements?
Answer: The reason is not political differences. People simply don’t want to be connected to Israel or the people of Israel. They cannot erase their identity and cease to be Jews, but they can at least make every effort to avoid being declared Zionists. They can deny Zionism, but they cannot escape their Jewish origin. Therefore, they try to shake off at least any connection to Zionism.
Comment: But they have specific complaints against Israel regarding their political stand and their policy regarding human rights.
Answer: Anti-Semites hide behind seemingly justified claims. An anti-Semite cannot admit that he hates me just because I am a Jew, so he finds a whole host of excuses that justify his hatred.
The most justified accusation that anti-Semites make is that the Jews are responsible for all the troubles in the world. This claim is justified and I agree! I am ready to agree with them because the Jews are indeed the reason for all the troubles in the world.
If the Jews fulfilled their role in the world, if they returned to mutual love and set an example for the world and all of humanity, if they fulfilled the plan of creation, they could become a positive force in the world. But now they are a negative force.
Question: What would happen to natural anti-Semitism if the Jews returned to love and bestowal?
Answer: If we returned to love and mutual bestowal and taught this to the whole world, we would become Light unto the nations of the world. Then anti-Semitism would disappear since the nations of the world would feel internally that the Jews are finally doing what they have to do.
The nations of the world do not know what the role of the Jews is, but they would see that the Jews have to teach them how to use the second force of nature, the force of altruistic love that corrects and calm the whole world and raises it to a different level, to the spiritual dimension, to the whole and eternal world.
Question: What would happen to the natural hatred in the heart of anti-Semites?
Answer: They wouldn’t feel any hatred. On the contrary, they would feel love and would thank the Jews for existing and for teaching them. The nations of the world want to learn from us.
Their complaints that the Jews are responsible for all their problems actually mean that they cannot do anything against the Jews. The Jews are only 0.2% of the world population, but see all the troubles they cause everyone. No one knows what to do with this nation.
It is scattered all over the world, but it is the cause of problems everywhere. No one in the world doesn’t worry about the Jews. They don’t talk about the Chinese or the South Americans, although there are billions of them. But a few million are always at the center of the global dispute.
This situation can change, however, by 180 degrees to the good side. After all, the peoples of the world will feel that we are teachers who teach them how to live well, and this is exactly what they expect of the Jews.
Listen to what they tell us and declare clearly: all the evil in the world stems from the Jews. This can actually be translated to different words “we are weak and the Jews are strong. Look at what they are doing to us. We are small and they are big because they can destroy the life of all the people in the world. They are merely 15 million and see what they are doing to the other seven billion people. Can it be? But this is exactly what is happening and we don’t know what to do with them!”
The nations of the world tell us that they are weak and that they depend on us. If we show them what we have, if we wish to convey it to them by setting an example, their attitude will change immediately.
If we wish to pass it on to them just like that, it will not work. They will think that we want to cheat them again. This is the reason that we first have to arrange a good life among us as a model for the other nations. This is called being Light unto the nations of the world. The nations of the world will want to learn this from us. We have to be a kingdom of priests, which means being the global ministry of education.
Comment: Unfortunately we are running out of time…
Answer: That’s very true! And this is the reason that we have to urgently decide what we are going to do!
From KabTV’s “New Life #458 – The Roots Of The Eternal Anti-Semitism Until The End Of Correction, Part 55,” 11/25/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #458 – The Roots Of The Eternal Anti-Semitism Until The End Of Correction, Part 55,” 11/25/14
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