Answer: Clearly this is a fantasy. I have travelled throughout the world and everywhere people eat everything: seafood, snakes, lizards, frogs, dogs, sheep, cattle, birds, and more.
It is impossible to stop humanity from eating meat. This is not merely an ancient habit or custom, a person is born this way, he exists in this state. Likewise, it is still necessary to prove that a person can exist without eating meat; in my opinion nothing will replace meat.
A human being is an animal. He is not an animal that eats grass, but an animal that eats everything, and there is nothing bad or good about that. That is how he is directed by nature and this is not considered to be destructive.
If we remove the need for animals from our diet, we are forced not to eat their products, like eggs, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. We would not manufacture leather products from animals and things like that.
So then we would move to nutrition from plants. And on what basis we can absorb it, perhaps a plant has feelings?! After all, even a stone feels. So we would be compelled to reject even them. So where will we go then? We don’t have enough studies that show that we could survive without the proper consumption of a normal and varied diet coming from nature.
We need to consume everything; the world was created so that the person would use everything found on a lower level. Humans have risen to the top of the pyramid, and it exists entirely for him, for his proper nourishment both physically and spiritually.
The whole world was created with the goal that we would justify this existence and not alter it.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/28/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 3/28/16
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