New Life #651 – When It Is Bad In The World, It Is Bad For Israel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Why does hatred toward the Jews increase when something bad happens in the world? What don’t the wise people in the world understand, and what crucial force of bestowal do the Jews have?
We can see that when everything is fine in the world and things are going well, Israel is left in peace. This was the situation in the restoration years after WWII. But since the 1960’s existential questions arose. For the first time people have felt that a home and a job were not enough and they began to look for a meaning in life. They began to feel that there should be a revolution, but it wasn’t really clear what type of revolution.
The internal reason for that is that the world is advancing toward a state of perfect mutual connection between people. We can see that throughout history when things are going well for the world, it is good for Israel, but when the world feels lost, it is bad for Israel.
Today, there are those who say that Israel is the operating force behind ISIS and behind the terror attacks in Paris. “The Jews have the money and they create crises, wars, and acts of terror wherever they find it necessary.”
This says that the nation of Israel is responsible for everything that happens in the world for better or for worse and that everything depends on the connection between people. The hatred toward us will not cease unless we connect as one man in one heart, according to “love thy friend as thyself.”
From KabTV’s “New Life #651 – When It Is Bad In The World, It Is Bad For Israel,” 11/17/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #651 – When It Is Bad In The World, It Is Bad For Israel,” 11/17/15
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