New Life #650 – The Relations Between Israel And The Nations Of The World
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
What is our nation founded on and to what extent does the attitude of every person in Israel to his surroundings affect the whole world, and why do we all have to do our best to reveal the positive force that connects us?
The wisdom of Kabbalah tells us about the general system of reality, about the still, vegetative, and speaking levels, a system in which all its parts are connected.Humanity has evolved to a level in which it can manage the whole system and reach the level of the Creator. The first step toward that was done by Adam, a man who lived 5,776 years ago who was the first Kabbalist.
Hatred broke out in ancient Babylon. Abraham our patriarch taught people to connect and to manage reality. There were those who joined Abraham and there were those who opposed him. Eventually he left and moved with his people to Canaan. Abraham’s group developed and grew in the connection between them, and then disputes broke out between them and they fell to unfounded hatred. The hate between us brings about hate throughout the world, which means that the development of the nations of the world depends on the relations between us.
There are two paths we can follow toward the same predetermined goal: the path of suffering or the path of the Light.
The quality of the connection between us determines the quality of the relations between all the people and the nations of the world.
We are naturally managed by the evil inclination, the force of the ego, the negative force, and the connection adds the positive force. Every Jew is measured by his attitude to other Jews. It makes no difference whether one is on the right or on the left side of the political map, we are all one family. If we are aware of the relations between us, we will bring peace to the whole world and will all ascend to the next dimension.
We are facing a new level of consciousness called the soul, the human level, the level of perfection and eternity. Hatred between the right and the left sides of the political map has been around for years, but we will not be able to connect without the positive upper force. The positive force will connect us, raise us above the gaps between us, and show us that the differences between us are natural.
We all know that a system needs to be built from different parts that operate in harmony.
From KabTV’s “New Life #650 – The Relations Between Israel And The Nations Of The World,” 11/12/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #650 – The Relations Between Israel And The Nations Of The World,” 11/12/15
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