New Life #677 – The Meaning Of Tu BishvatDr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Tu Bishvat represents a special state in which a person sees the fruit of his work of planting himself in the right environment. Having performed the 39 labors, he is rewarded with fruit: the fruit of the tree of knowledge and the fruit of the tree of life.
The impression from the spiritual life of the past still remains in the Jewish people so they can renew it today. But in order to develop properly, the society has to help us advance toward the spiritual goal and we will grow like the tree of the field in it.
The first phase in the growing process is the recognition of good and evil. We have to accurately define what is good and what is evil and perform self-checks, internal scrutiny, of ourselves and those around us.
The goal is to reach the attribute of love and bestowal. In order to do so, we have to ascend above our egoistic nature, which wants to suckle everything for its own sake, and acquire an opposite nature, which wants to give everything to others, to fill them, as it is written: “I have seen an opposite world.”
The more we want to ascend, the more we have to connect to people below because our attitude toward all of creation and especially to people is what connects us to the upper spiritual forces.
If we change our attitude from receiving to giving, we will discover the upper world and suddenly see a new reality in which everyone is in perfect love and wholeness, loving one another. To do so, we don’t need to correct others, but ourselves, and then we will feel love, the Shechina, peace, and pleasure that fill this world. This is the fruit we will eventually reach.
From KabTV’s “New Life #677 – The Meaning Of Tu Bishvat,” 1/14/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #677 – The Meaning Of Tu Bishvat,” 1/14/16
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