The president of the European parliament Martin Shultz spoke in the ceremony and noted that the Jewish community greatly contributes to the culture and the economy of Europe.
At the same time, he also expressed his regret and empathy that the Jews don’t feel safe in Europe because of terrorist acts, violence, and assaults.
What has changed in Europe since the occurrence of such events 70 years ago?
Answer: Everything has changed for the worse. In the past there was no actual threat to the Jews outside Germany and its allies, but today we can say that there is definitely no safe place for the Jews anywhere in the world and that they are persecuted with great enthusiasm.
Both Europe and the US adopt policies that endanger the very existence of the state of Israel and intentionally act to harm its sovereignty in order to promote their interests in the region.
Although president Obama declared on the Holocaust Remembrance Day that we are Jews in spirit, it doesn’t go along with his open anti-Semitic policy and his attitude toward Israel.
Such an attitude toward Jews today is no longer considered bad manners. Humanity has undergone a phase of internal development and now it simply erupts against the Jews even through statesmen and politicians.
Western Europe is infected by the anti-Semitism virus. I understand their situation since the whole world is nearing the solution of its main problem, ascending to the next level of development. Therefore, the current level the world is in a rebirth crisis.
The world has to overcome the labor pains and be born on the next level of unity in every aspect of life: social, political, and economic, and basically accept a totally new format according to the forces of nature that develop us. The problem is that the world cannot advance to a state of unity at the moment since humanity refuses to change.
The Jews are the first to be blamed for that and it is true. Anti-Semitism stems from the nations of the world’s subconscious feeling of total dependency on the Jews who are not doing their job, and the Jews themselves are aware of the fact that they are the root of all the problems in the world.
Question: Recently it was published that extremist left-wing organizations in Israel received donations of about 260 million shekels. Moreover, most of the donations from foreign European governments, Moreover, the same European parliament that held Holocaust Remembrance Day services donated a large sum to their activities. How can you explain that? What do they want from Israel and the Jews?
Answer: This is an internal resistance to the state of Israel, which stands in their way. When the Jews were dispersed throughout Europe and represent a whipping boy, then it is quite normal. But when they have their own government, army, flag anthem, and makeup like every other country, the European countries cannot get along with it. It is clearly seen that they benefit from the existence of the state of Israel, which enriches Europe and the whole world with its advanced technology and innovations.
But this fact doesn’t change the Europeans’ attitude toward the Jews. They cannot allow the nation they hate so much to exist normally, as much as you can call its situation normal.
The Jewish problem is unsolvable as long as the Jews don’t understand their mission: to show all the nations of the world how to continue their development, and while they do not, the world will suffer and the Jews will suffer even more.
Question: Are there any signs that the Jews are starting to understand their mission?
This perception is given to them with great difficulty. I would say that the nations of the world even precede the Jews in understanding that. As strange as it may sound, the nations of the world are ready to understand, accept, and recognize their dependency on the Jews. The prophet Isaiah said that the nations of the world will bring the Jews to the right state and will carry them to Jerusalem.
Therefore, I am very hopeful that the dissemination of the wisdom of Kabbalah among the peoples of the world will help them influence the Jews so that the latter will understand and recognize their mission and fulfill it. Then the world will be able to ascend to the next good level of development and everyone will live happily and in equality.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/28/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 1/28/16
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