Answer: There is no greater blasphemy or distortion of the idea of the Creator than to print such an expression on currency, regardless of which religion it is. The Americans believe that it helps them and protects the dollar, which means that God protects the dollar since the dollar mentions God.
What can I say about it? It is better to replace money with a plastic card so that people will be able to pay without using dirty pieces of paper. In the future people will need the same amount of money in the bank and will use money only for their basic necessities. It can be 1,000 dollars a month, for example, and if a person doesn’t use all the money, he can use what is left the next month.
The next phase will be a phase without any bank accounts or money. A person will consume only what he needs from special warehouses or stores and everyone will rely on the fact that he takes only what he needs and not more.
Comment: A person has to undergo a special educational process in order to take only what he needs.
Answer: We will have to come to that.
Comment: That sounds like science fiction.
Answer: It will be done by the Upper Light, a special force that corrects us. Of course we will not be able to reach this level of correction by ourselves. It is impossible.
But we will be able to evoke a special, yet hidden, good force into the world, through our unity and connection and efforts, so that it will correct us and make us better, like it is.
We will not take anything more than we need and will begin to produce only what is actually necessary so that everyone will feel equally good and comfortable.
Question: Where will God’s name be written in the future?
Answer: God’s name will be written on the human heart, not on a bill. The heart is the collection of all all human desires; it must transform itself and become His name! All human actions, all desires, the whole system, which is conditional, is allegorically called the heart, which has to change and to be for the sake of the Creator.
All of a person’s actions, all his desires, the whole system called a heart, has to embody the Creator’s image.
This means that the heart itself is a system and the sum of all its internal relations should similar to the Creator.
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 1/26/16
From KabTV’s “Conversations with Michael Laitman” 1/26/16
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