For the next 3 weeks, due to the overseas travel of the editor the blog will not be refreshed at its usual schedule.
The original blog where the articles are from is accessible here.
When human beings discover the true essence of Creator and behaves according to the nature of the grantor or giver, that approach is so intense that he realizes that does not need the religion, it remains only as part of their cultural and social environment in this world.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
New Life #402 – The Root Of The Problem Of Suicide In Our Time
New Life #402 –The Root Of The Problem Of Suicide In Our Time
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
What leads a person to think about suicide, in what state is he in before taking this step, and in what way is it possible to get him out of this emotional state?
The Root of Suicide
Some of the people who are going to commit suicide see all other people as unfortunate. We must find a solution because there is growing emptiness, depression, and despair, and finally suicide. There are those who don’t find any reason for a life like ours, maintaining our body and our descendants until we die.
Existential questions arise in a person depending on his level of development. They distinguish the animal from the human.
A person who is going to commit suicide feels like his life is to no avail and he has no reason to live. Before committing suicide, a person suffers, he lacks any possibility of some kind of benefit for himself or others. The suicidal person feels that everyone is drugging themselves in order to carry on in life, and he is already disgusted by this.
A person who is going to commit suicide feels like his life is to no avail and he has no reason to live. Before committing suicide, a person suffers, he lacks any possibility of some kind of benefit for himself or others. The suicidal person feels that everyone is drugging themselves in order to carry on in life, and he is already disgusted by this.
Someone who grasps the meaning of life can open the eyes of a person who has suicidal tendencies. The meaning of life is to strive toward a new life during our lives. Break through from darkness to the Light.
From KabTV’s “New Life #402 – The Root Of The Problem Of Suicide In Our Time,” 6/12/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #402 – The Root Of The Problem Of Suicide In Our Time,” 6/12/14
Trump’s Program In Light Of The Upper Governance, Part 2
Americans must start producing a new type of commodity, the only special products that are required worldwide, namely to produce people. This production is due to the fact that unemployed people will get jobs: they will start learning to unite.
After few months of such studies, each one will receive strong new impressions regarding what a correct “human” and a correct human society are. We need to continue this way. After all, a person has nothing else to do in this life other than generate an upper force, the most powerful force in the world that is capable of performing miracles in all of nature. All of this depends only on the connection between people.
Therefore, we shouldn’t think that this production doesn’t produce goods. We will generate a product and will be able to measure the force produced by us, the power of the connection we received and the success achieved through it that will increase day by day.
We can evaluate them according to the level of the desire, connection, restriction, and Masach (screen). These characteristics are much more accurate than our current economy with its methods of assessing work: efforts invested and results received.
There is no doubt that in this way we will achieve unlimited development. We just need to explain it to people, and, first of all, to leaders such as Trump.
There is no alternative because it is estimated that around seventy to eighty percent of the working population will be out of work in the next few years, no matter how hard we resist the introduction of robotics and automated systems. The concept of a person working to ensure his material existence is already outdated. Marx wrote about it almost two hundred years ago.
Technology has reached a level of development where ten people are able to grow crops for ten million, and others will produce the special force that stabilizes all of society and brings it to an optimal form where the ten people that are capable now of serving ten million will be able to serve ten billion.
We receive a blessing from above for everything that we do. In addition, we are beginning to understand to what extent we need this. We realize that we should confine ourselves to rational consumption in order not to poison the environment. We are learning to unite human society and, by this, to save energy and money and eliminate suffering, wars, and terrorism.
We don’t need to go to the terrorists and conduct lectures for them. Through attracting the common Light, the common force, we calm down all of the disturbances. It is not necessary to deal partiicularly with Pakistan or ISIS. If we take care of the common correction, all of these hot spots will suddenly calm down. Terrorists will suddenly feel that they should treat people with more kindness.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Trump’s Program In Light Of The Upper Governance” 11/25/16
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Trump’s Program In Light Of The Upper Governance” 11/25/16
Jerusalem Post – “Comment: How Trump Can Save American Democracy”
In my regular column in Jerusalem Post, my new article “Comment: How Trump Can Save American Democracy”
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Black Friday, Part 3
Answer: First of all it is necessary to understand that the purpose of life is not in filling the wardrobe with dresses and shoes and the house with furniture. It gives us pleasure only because we are accustomed to it.
Today people prefer other types of entertainment: traveling and visiting new places. Tourism today is the most developed industry in the world. People want to understand, feel, and get acquainted with other countries and other people. This already is some kind of advancement and not such a primitive life like running from home to work, from work to the store and back home.
Gradually some distancing from the material world happens. Today, while traveling around the world, people pay less attention to the clothes. Everyone dresses the way it is comfortable and enjoyable for him. Externality fades to the background because we are looking for more internal fulfillment.
We live in the era of mobile phones, computers, various gadgets that create unusual images and sounds for us. However, I think that to the extent that humanity will sink into depression and seek new fillings, comes the next step: the desire not to buy material things, but to acquire the meaning of life. A person will feel that this is the commodity that belongs to eternity and gives eternal fulfillment.
Today we try to rise above the material world with the help of 3-D glasses that take us to a virtual reality. Humanity still materializes spirituality, but in the end, a person will be able to rise above the boundaries of life. Humanity aspires exactly to this, and we are right on the threshold of this ascent.
Question: What does the ascent above the boundaries of life mean?
Answer: It means that I want to receive pleasure from knowing and seeing the fact that I rose above life and death. I don’t want to feel limited.
Question: When people wander through the malls, they feel very lonely. There are crowds around you, but you feel cold and rejected. And how will a person feel in the less material reality?
Answer: There we will be required to get acquainted with each other and to connect. After all, if we want to rise above our life and attain our eternal purpose, then this is only possible through our connection when we rise above egoism and achieve the sense of freedom.
Egoism keeps us in slavery all the time, dictating to us about shopping and everything else and making black not only Black Friday, but also the rest of our lives. Therefore, we will have to rise above it in order to reveal the eternal world before us and to acquire it!
Question: Wouldn’t a person feel himself too small to acquire the upper world?
Answer: On the contrary, a person will match the upper world and fill it. Moreover, he will feel that he reveals the world inside himself, inside the new desire that he developed above his egoism by connecting with others. Within his connection with others, he will reveal the ability to rise above himself and to feel infinite reality. This is the best shopping!
This is the best and eternal acquisition that we can do in our world during this life. I open my shop for all who wish to buy this commodity: eternal life, the sense of infinite and boundless life. As it is written in The Book of Zohar, “Everyone who wants to buy him may come and buy.”
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/24/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/24/16
New Life #401 – Suicide
New Life #401 – Suicide
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Tal Mandelbaum ben Moshe
How does a Kabbalist relate to the phenomenon of suicide? How can it be prevented with the help of learning about the purpose of life, and what social inquiry does the phenomenon lead us to?
We can see the phenomenon of suicide even among animals. This indicates that this phenomenon is embedded in nature. There have always been suicides. People do not consider their corporeal life as the most important thing. Going out to war endangers a person’s life and there is also the death penalty.
On the one hand, we spend a lot of money on saving people’s lives and, on the other hand, on wars and killing. A person who commits suicide calculates matters and sees that his life isn’t worth the effort of preserving it.
It is possible to heal the inclination to commit suicide as well as depression and despair. If a creature from another planet studied our life today, he might not find a justification for living it. Suicide is a call for us to examine our life: why are people brought to depression and despair? Our life probably has another purpose, a more internal purpose, than just living the way we do.
It cannot be that nature has developed us for no real purpose. We have to find that purpose. Our sages said that a man would be better off if he weren’t created, but since he was created, he has to study the reason for which he was created. The purpose of life is to reach “love thy friend as thyself.”
When a person fulfills this rule, he breaks through to eternity. Suicide is a result of the lack of understanding of the purpose of life and of what a person can attain during one’s lifetime. The rate of suicide is growing because the ego is growing, requiring more strongly inside us to fulfill life, but it doesn’t happen… the younger generation looks at us as dinosaurs, “what are you living for…?” All the virtual connections and the advanced technology only intensify their feeling of emptiness and despair.
The wisdom of connection brings people to a special connection between them, a connection in which they discover an enlightened upper world.
From KabTV’s “New Life #401 – I and the Society: Suicide,” 6/12/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #401 – I and the Society: Suicide,” 6/12/16
What Determines The Gender Of A Baby?
Answer: It depends on the properties of the soul that are required for correction.
I don’t recommend intervening and engaging in genetic engineering to determine the gender of future children. We should not be doing that.
Trump’s Program In Light Of The Upper Governance, Part 1
The world is advancing to a state where people simply won’t have jobs. Everything is moving toward virtual reality and nanotechnology. Even today, the world is producing more than it needs, and some deficits exist only due to broken relationships between people. We ourselves create lacks because of our egoism.
This means that the only product of the successful economy that Trump wants to achieve can be “unity.” This is the commodity that the American economy should supply to the world today. All their expertise should be in whether they can unite and inspire others by their example. How is it possible to achieve such unity?
Answer: If we look closely on the development in the last thirty to forty years, we can see that egoism was pushing all of humanity to unity in industry, economy, and other areas. All of this unity worked only for the benefit of the elite. Although the world became very interconnected, so far it is only business connections.
Any such development usually comes to a dead end and can’t exist and develop further because any possibility of normal connections between people disappears. The elite break away and rise to the top, the people sink to the bottom, and in the middle between them, an empty space is formed. The middle layer disappears.
The situation comes to a standstill because the elite has no further means to get rich since the population lost its purchasing power. There is no one to sell goods to. The era of neoliberalism is over, both in the USA and in Europe—although due to other apparent causes.
The election of Donald Trump for the presidency symbolizes the transition to the next stage of human development. The main problem of this period is to manage millions of people left without jobs. Today, Americans are strongly tightening their belts.
The former “industrial belt” of America, famous for its steel mills and industrial enterprises, is now called the “rust belt” because all of this production has come to a complete halt. So, what do we to do with the people who live there?
Trump is facing complex problems such as none of his predecessors have faced before. Of course, he has a lot of advisors and specialists offering various solutions, but none of them will be able to teach Americans how to become one nation as Trump promised.
I don’t know where Trump suddenly got this idea. It’s as if the Creator put these words in his mouth. How is it possible that the billionaire Trump would suddenly speak about unity of the people? However, in fact, this is precisely the main problem in Europe, America, and any other place.
We are now facing the obvious fact that the broken relations between people poison our lives and won’t let us enjoy anything. We are unable to derive pleasure, even egoistically, meaning we’ve come to a complete standstill.
What can we advise to Mr. Trump? The implementation of his plan can be difficult, especially considering that the opposition is already trying to cancel the results of the election. Actually, this is not very important. The process must manifest nevertheless, with or without Trump, through more or less suffering. The question is how to bring the world peace of mind, unity, and mutual understanding between all nations.
On the other hand, we need to consider how to provide people with jobs and necessary income. How do we calm them down so that they won’t demand more than is required? We need something to satisfy the egoism of the people because each one dreams of being the king of the world. Obviously, all of this is possible only through integral education. In this way, we can solve all of the problems in society and eliminate poverty.
After all, today, it isn’t difficult to provide food, clothes, and shelter to everyone. The only problem is to improve relationships between people so that they would be satisfied with the necessities in the material world and search for the rest of their fulfillment on a higher level in cultural or even spiritual values.
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Trump’s Program In Light Of Upper Governance” 11/25/16
From KabTV’s “A Talk About Trump’s Program In Light Of Upper Governance” 11/25/16
Two Solutions To The Crisis
“The fundamental contradiction that lies at the basis of most of today’s problems in the world economy is the contradiction associated with the growth of productivity of labor.
“It consists here in that: with growth in labor productivity fewer and fewer people are needed to produce enough to meet all the needs of the population with the quantity of natural products. But … this inevitably leads to growing unemployment. That is, the number of people who need the product grows, but you can not make a profit from them.
“The number of unemployed ‘extra’ people is growing like an avalanche, resulting in growth in labor productivity that leads to increased social stratification and, paradoxically at first sight, an increase in the number of poor …
“All the ‘market’ economic schools and theories try to solve this fundamental problem by stimulating consumption through consumer loans… .
“We are in a situation where, and the means of production, and goods and money, which can buy these products, are concentrated in the hands of the ultra-low number of super-rich people. And because they themselves have nothing to sell but their consumption is completely closed…, the driver for the growth in production arise from nowhere, and the global economy stagnates predictably. …
“I’m not inventing anything here, everything is perfectly predicted and described by Comrade Karl Marx in his Capital more than a hundred years ago.”
My Comment: ““The current crisis of the world economic system is not tractable [manageable] within the limits of the existing wealth distribution model …” A more unified system has to emerge. There are two ways to bring about change: through awareness and reform (Achishena – I shall hasten it) or through conflict (Beito – in its time). The changes are inevitable, we can only choose the path, short and easy or long and painful, but not the outcome!
Body And Soul
Answer: The soul is the Creator. Although we feel ourselves in our body, it is only a temporary illusion. We perceive ourselves only through the soul. A body does not exist as such. According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, the body is defined as the sum of all our desires, which are now depicted to us as our physical body.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 6/9/16
Black Friday, Part 2
Answer: People don’t buy what they need, they buy what advertising encourages them to buy. They go to big shopping centers and receive pleasure from it.
The fact is that our egoism requires fulfillment, and we don’t know how to fill it so that the filling will become perfect, eternal, or at least prolonged. Our lives are directed only to be filled, filled, filled, and to get, get, get.
We live at much a higher frequency than before. In the past, a person knew that he needed a wardrobe and went to a carpenter to order it. There were no shops filled with completed wardrobes. The same is true with respect to clothes. There were no commercially ready-made garments, people had to go to a tailor for them to be sewn.
Nowadays, we come to a shop where we can find clothes of any style, color, and size. It is more convenient, but because the clothes are already there, it entices us to buy them and forces the shopkeeper to try to sell them quickly. Therefore, it has resulted in completely exaggerated consumption and competition.
We go to shops not to buy necessary food, clothes, and shoes, but to have a look at what they have and to buy something we like but don’t need. But this consumerism develops us as humans because we get used to the fact that we are guided in life not by the necessities but simply by whim. It means that we have begun to realize how low-lying our actions are. We don’t feel that we are people who control our desires and have a firm point of view on what we need.
Instead, we give in to the entreaties and advertising, and our “I” disappears. This culture of consumption shapes our new generation, which doesn’t notice deception and trusts advertising. We are completely empty people and buy everything the shops and media sell: opinions, culture, and worldview.
This process switches off our brain because we don’t need to think about anything. The main thing is to have money in our pocket or at least a credit card. Loans and debts are the reality of today’s life.
Question: Consumerism is the new religion of our time. How else, apart from shopping, can a person be filled?
Answer: For this, we need to give a person a special education. The cult of consumption isn’t just purchasing some item or apparel, it also watching a movie and listening to music imposed on us, and reading the news on websites with 90% of the content clogged with advertising.
The news is also presented to us specifically to confuse us and burden our heads with all kinds of nonsense. Only a special education can save us from this disease of consumerism and give us other, higher requirements for life and fulfillment.
We are not free in anything, even where to go on vacation. Wherever we turn, advertising is everywhere, guiding us in a certain direction. This American culture has spread all over the world.
Question: So, what can replace it and provide the same satisfaction shopping does?
Answer: We need to give a person a different goal in life that is more eternal, perfect, and great. After all, we get tired of the things we bought the day after buying them. So we need to understand that we have the ability to desire and receive much more significant and eternal fulfillment. The feeling of lack and its filling with what we were lacking brings us satisfaction.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/24/16
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 11/24/16
Leave Work And Engage In Ourselves!
In the News (Motherboard): “It’s a common belief that low-wage workers will be hit the hardest by advanced robots in the workplace. When we take a global perspective on this, the people that will be most affected by widespread automation won’t be workers in North America, according to a new United Nations report—it’ll be people in developing countries.
“Automation stands to reduce opportunities for low-wage workers in North America, the report from the UN Conference on Trade and Development states. But the types of jobs most likely to be eliminated entirely are more prevalent in developing nations. That’s because those same jobs, in sectors like farming and manufacturing, have already mostly dried up in wealthier nations as corporations have moved their operations abroad, in search of higher profits through lower wage costs.
“The developing world stands to lose “about two thirds of all jobs,” according to the report. That’s a staggering figure, and well above most credible estimates for job losses due to automation in the West. …
“While the UN report is talking about the effects of robots in the workplace, what’s really at issue is the profit-seeking behaviour of corporations. And in a globalized economy, shifts in labour power aren’t just felt in wealthy nations, but all over the world. In China, for example, factory owners have already used robots and automation as a tool to do away with rabble-rousing workers.
“The countries with the most robots will likely see the greatest gains in productivity, the report notes—China is currently leading the pack in robot acquisition, the UN says—but there is an upside for countries without enough wealth to bring in enough robot workers to stay competitive… sort of. …
“As it is, though, the UN report paints a pretty bleak vision of the future: fewer jobs here, and way fewer jobs over there. But hey, at least some people will be making money.”
My Comment: Progress cannot be stopped because it is not a human whim but an objective, evolutionary, and natural development of society. Resisting this development is done at one’s “own peril.” We must understand that robots are replacing people; nature is leading us to nothing other than a reorganization and change in the structure of society.
Machines should serve all people, and people must move to another level of activities—building a new society in the image of nature. For the first time in history, humanity is becoming freed from the need to spend its time and life serving its physical body.
This will be left to the robots. We will be involved with ourselves! We are raising ourselves to a meaningful level of connection, existence, and understanding the meaning of life! This must be a priority. We need to make a social revolution, change the attitude of the person toward his life, rebuild the media (a process that is already happening through a transition from the communications media to Internet sources), but the main thing is the re-education of ourselves!
Monday, December 12, 2016
Fantasies And Reality, Part 3
Answer: Reality is what exists outside of a person irrespective of him. Whether there is humanity or not, whether the world exists or not, this reality exists eternally, above time, movement, and space. It is not dependent on any of our three dimensional restrictions and time.
We live in an imaginary reality, where there is up and down, right and left, forward and backward, and the flow of time, in which everything is changing. But the true reality exists beyond time, meaning above the speed of light. After all, it is not dependent on time and does not change.
We can reveal the true reality, and then we will discover that there exists only one force, the force of bestowal. This force is called upper because it has created all of our reality and sustains it, leading it to the attainment of the Creator’s force, the force of bestowal and love. This is the way we discover Him to be. We do not know what He is, and can perceive Him only according to how He manifests himself in our qualities, our perception, relative to us.
The Creator’s attitude toward us, the way we perceive it, is what we call the Creator or “Boreh,” from the words “come” (Bo) and “to see” (Reh), discover Him.
Question: Will each person discover the Creator in his or her own way?
Answer: Certainly. Even the same person discovers the Creator in a new form all the time.
Question: So is there only one true reality or many?
Answer: The upper force is one, but we perceive it differently each time due to the changes within us.
Kabbalah is called a hidden wisdom because it studies what is concealed from us and helps us to reveal it. It teaches a person how to rise above the egoistic glasses, to get out of their boundaries, and to discover the true reality.
Question: And what is the final goal?
Answer: The goal is to reveal the upper force. To the extent that we reveal it, we ourselves rise to its degree and become eternal and perfect just like it. We get out of an illusion, a deception, and return to the truth, to the world of truth, and that is why Kabbalah is called a true wisdom.
From a TV Program “A New Life,” No. 787, 11/01/2016
From a TV Program “A New Life,” No. 787, 11/01/2016
Ynet: “The Guide To Trumpist America”
In my column in Ynet: “The Guide To Trumpist America”
The United States of America is divided, showing itself clearly cut into two distinct camps. If Trump has serious intentions to unite America, he must build a social national educational plan to unite the American people. No more nice proposals, but a law that will be approved by the House of Representatives. And who is a better man for the job than Trump?
“I want a country that loves each other, I want to stress that,” said Donald Trump in the first interview he gave the media after the elections. While the President-elect speaks about uniting the nation and declares in a conciliatory tone that it is important for him to be everyone’s president, thousands of people have been protesting against Trump in the streets, carrying signs and calling “he is not my president,” for a whole week now.
During the turbulent campaign, Trump was accused by the Democrats of using messages filled with hatred that divided the American nation during his campaign. But in fact, Trump’s provocative and not politically correct slips of the tongue are not the cause for the breach in American society. They do indeed illuminate and emphasize some of the roots of the malignant disease that has been incubating in America for years, but it is nothing but hypocrisy and disingenuity to claim that such expressions are the ones that have created it.
Whites and blacks, Christians and Muslims, local citizens (who emigrated to America years ago…) and new immigrants, inhabitants of big cities and of small towns, liberals and conservatives, rich and poor, and of course religious and non-religious people all refuse to accept each other. According to a survey conducted by the PEW Institute, half of the American people loathe those who have an opinion opposite to theirs and even see the other side as an actual threat to their nation. This polarization reminds me to a certain degree of the atmosphere during the American Civil War in 1861-1865. But in order to prevent the split into two Americas, Trump suggests mitigating the problem by creating more jobs.
Trump has undoubtedly changed and will continue to change some of rules of the game. There is no doubt about it. But still, if I were asked to advise the President-elect as to how to pave the golden path that will unite the torn American nation, by integrating a sustainable solution to the unemployment problem, the erosion of the middle-class, and the disappearance of the working class, I would advise him to build and lead a national plan for social education to unite the American nation. This isn’t just another nice proposal on paper, but a multi-phase plan, that is comprehensive and empiric, which will include changes in the legislation, and will try to formulate a law to suggest and in some cases even enforce unity as one of the principles of the American Constitution.
The Way to Heal the Schism in America
The law of connection is in fact a government policy that will find the way to impact and create a compelling environment for every American citizen, which aims to give people the tools and creates a supportive environment for them that will help them learn how to connect to one another and to care about others. It is about an educational process that will impact the entire society, will help us know ourselves and the environment we live in, and will enable us to share the knowledge that will create a common consciousness and a feeling of belonging to one system.
A by-product of this initiative can help solve the unemployment problem through establishing an extensive infrastructure nationwide across all the sectors operating in a variety of social frameworks from kindergartens, schools, universities, workplaces, employment agencies, the media, to hospitals and nursing homes.
Such a project should be accompanied by online courses and experiential workshops that will increase people’s awareness of the global world we live in, including questionnaires that will allow a person to measure his advancement in improving his relationships with society. Later we can make use of the media to convey ideas that reinforce the values of unity and use the tremendous influence of the American media to create a digital televised environment that will support the process. In the more advanced stages, communities that have already assimilated the importance of connection and unity as the solution to national problems will naturally develop and they will also be able to find solutions to their personal problems. This kind of learning can take place in different ways and lead the wounded US through a process of socialization and offer the torn American society an ideology of unity.
Gradually whole populations and communities will get to know the story of “the other”; they will undergo practical workshops and acquire tools for building the right connections with others and learn how to behave properly in society. One of the options is to offer people who take part in the social education plan a kind of an incentive and benefits from the state.
The law of connection will first and foremost soften the heart of the nation and bring together and connect the two camps that are dividing America today and are struggling in the town squares. It has been 150 years since Lincoln, the Republican President, led the Union to victory over the seceding Confederate States, but in the 21st century, when our egoistic nature is reaching the peak of its evolution and naturally deepens the breach between us, no intra-national treaties will help. The values of liberalism, pluralism, mutuality and freedom of every kind have gone bankrupt, and it is enough to say that you are not inclined to agree with someone else’s opinion in order to feel threatened by the environment. The bad and violent spirit that has taken over America today is different from the unity negotiated during the reconstruction at the end of the Civil War that served as the foundation for the united American nation, the United States of America.
Trump’s Era
Trump chose to open his first speeches by using soft, stately, conciliatory language, which is a good thing. He has the talent of speaking directly to the public, candidly, sharply, and with humor, which if he channels to the social networks, which he used so successfully during his campaign, he will be able to appease the public by conveying a positive unifying messages. If the American President himself sets an example and is the first to give a lesson of unity, it may be an unprecedented move that will bring him closer to the people and will shatter the myths and negative image that have sullied his character. Thus he will be able to rekindle hope even among the masses who doubt him and protest against him on the streets. They will also be affected by the public discourse, and, like it or not, will actually realize that he is there for them, in order to make a difference and lead to equality.
The times America managed to live in equality, in mutual guarantee and concern, were the most beautiful times in American history, but with time, when each one began to pull in his direction and the ties weakened, America suffered great disasters.
The educational initiative presented here is based on the laws of global nature that the wisdom of Kabbalah teaches. Unity is the underlying structure in nature. Nature aspires for balance, for equality, and for wholeness, and because people are part of the circle of nature, we too are obliged to act in a circle, in equality, and by being mutually considerate of others. The only difference is that in our case, we have to do it consciously by undergoing an educational process. If we build the mutual connections between us that are compatible with life in the global world that is being revealed to us today, we will undoubtedly begin to understand and to feel, which will help us make the right decisions and succeed in everything that we do. This is the bond that I suggest in honor of Mr. President-elect Donald Trump.
In this way, he will be able to establish a country in which people love each other, the American people will learn to make each other feel secure, and give others a feeling of love and warmth and a feeling of life in one nation, not in 52 separate nations. This unique method of connection will not cancel the differences between Americans and will not cover them up with the familiar American pretense of politically correct discourse, but will spread a wide umbrella of connection over everyone that will cover all crimes with love.
In the 100 days of grace remaining to organize a government before the official swearing-in on the 20th of January, I warmly advise the president to start the initiative of establishing such a plan, or at least seriously consider it and discuss it on the media channels. The success of the American nation in this process is important for the American people, but it is no less important for us and for the whole world.
From Ynet 11/17/16
From Ynet 11/17/16
How Can We Distinguish Between Reality And Illusion?
Answer: No, people who attain the upper world exit their state and begin to feel the world that is external to them. This is a world that doesn’t go through their ordinary senses and is not distorted by their personal properties. Therefore, it isn’t an illusion, but the true perception of reality which, in fact, exists externally to our egoistic perception.
Kabbalists say that the question about the meaning of life is what pushes us to ascend above our reality and that if we use it correctly, we will find the method of ascending to the upper reality. Then, we will see our reality from the side.
We swim in the ego like in water, and it is only through our egoism that we see our reality. A person is merely an organ of perception of what exists around him.
The world is arranged so that a person will be able to exist in it for a certain period of time and go from his current state to the next state, to the upper reality, that is independent of the human ego. By neutralizing his egoism, a person begins to exit himself and become totally objective. Then, there are no more limitations of time, motion, and space.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/18/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 8/18/16
Haaretz: “Trump, Brexit, Terrorism, And The Hidden Link That Ties Them”
In my regular column in Haaretz newspaper, “Trump, Brexit, Terrorism, and the Hidden Link that Ties Them” The events and processes stirring our planet are linked so deeply that their root causes converge into a single reason.
Since 2008, the world has been hit with one crisis after another. If you look at each of them separately, you might think that nothing connects the 2008 financial crisis with the 2011 Arab Spring, for example, or the rise of Islamic terrorism with the stream of migrants inundating Europe and now the US. You might also think that the victory of Donald J. Trump and Britain’s Brexit are unrelated or that neither has anything to do with all of the processes just described.
Indeed, sobering up is never easy. But luckily, most people already see, or at least feel that the shifts taking place today are all connected. The truth, however, is even more stunning than what the surface reveals. The events and processes stirring our planet are all linked so deeply that their root causes converge into a single reason.
The Pursuit of Freedom
Since the dawn of history, humanity has evolved through various stages. With some fluctuations and irregularities, we evolved from slavery to feudalism (bearing different names in different places), and from feudalism to capitalism.
Now, by all indications, we are on the brink of a new era. As we can already deduce by the emergence of reactionary and nationalistic forces in Europe and the US, the regime that will inherit capitalism will be a fascist, Nazi-style form of totalitarian governance.
Incidentally, Russian communism, in my view, was not part of the overall stream of human socio-economic evolution since it did not emerge from humanity’s natural evolution, but was imposed upon the Russian nation. In a sense, they skipped capitalism and moved directly into the totalitarian regime, which they called, how ironic, “communism.”
The engine behind every stage of development was people’s desire for liberty and justice. The more people felt that they deserved to be treated as dignified human beings, rather than as objects, the more liberal was the economic system they established. People have always been self-centered, but at some point in our social evolution, the ego has intensified to such a level that our notion of personal freedom has turned into a feeling of self-entitlement. We began to feel that we deserve everything, even to exploit others, if we could get away with it. Thus began the time we live in—the age of egoism.
Generation Me, Me, Me
In our new era, the majority of the population shows at least several symptoms of pathological narcissism. Throughout the world, people have enshrined wealth as the sole gauge for measuring the value of people. People fix their gaze on their smartphones hoping to avoid eye contact with strangers. Throughout the world, people are lonely and depressed.
Alienation is separating people and communities to the point of hatred and sectarianism. In post-election US, for example, the rifts within the American society have deepened to the point where, according to The New York Times, Clinton voters refused to celebrate Thanksgiving with kin, even of the first degree, who voted for Trump.
Indeed, when liberalism becomes synonymous with dissension and separation, and neoliberalism becomes a euphemism for exploitative capitalism, you know that a change is imminent. We have gone as far as the ego can take us. From here on, we must either find a new way to develop, or race downhill without any brakes.
Nature’s Two-Force System
Despite the apocalyptic picture just described, we do not have to go downhill; there is no law that mandates it. There is a way that has been waiting all along for us to look in its direction. As long as we believed that the ego-path would get us where we wanted, we had no reason to look elsewhere. Now that things have changed, another way is emerging from the mist.
If we look carefully into nature, we will find that we can satisfy ourselves using a completely different paradigm—one that does not induce its own demise, but guarantees our perpetuation and prosperity. With the exception of humans, all of reality runs on a balanced interaction between two forces—positive and negative. These forces manifest as giving and receiving, connecting and disconnecting, inhaling and exhaling, day and night, and all the other opposites that complement one another. Without this balance, our universe would not exist, and neither would we. By exploiting others and seeking only self-gratification, we use only the negative force, missing out on the huge power that connects atoms into molecules, cells into organs, and human beings into societies. If we could tap into the capabilities of the positive force, we would reveal a new world of interactions and possibilities that we cannot even imagine until we actually discover them.
Even better, when we understand the nature of the positive force, we will see that we need not change a thing about our lives in order to discover it and work with it. All we need is to expand our boundaries. Instead of perceiving ourselves as separated human beings, fighting our way through life all by our lonesome selves, we can think of ourselves as part of a human system consisting of people who care for one another like cells care for the organism which they form together. Just as cells tend to one another, provide each other with oxygen to breathe and nutrients to feed on, a society of human beings connected in this manner would make the life of each individual within it carefree and joyful. If an entire country worked this way, it would become a heaven on Earth.
10,000 People Caring for You
In a previous column, I described the immense impact of introducing the positive force into society, even for a brief session, proving that it can befriend even the most bitter enemies. In this section, I would like to elaborate on the benefits of employing this force in our lives.
In my latest column, I gave the example of the way a radio receiver works in order to receive the frequencies of the stations we want to hear. In a word, to receive a station, we have to create within the radio the same frequency on which the station is broadcasting, and then the radio can pick up that frequency from the environment and play whatever that station is playing.
The positive force is one of connection. This is why it connects everything, such as particles within atoms, atoms within molecules, molecules within cells, and so forth. When we think only in the “me” mode, we deny ourselves the benefits of the “we” mode of thinking. The Connection Circles shown in the links above create a special connection among people, which “resonates” with the positive force of connection just as a frequency within a radio resonates with a frequency on the outside. As a result, the positive force begins to impact the participants. This is why they suddenly feel connected, even making Jews and Arabs feel as parts of one big family.
To tap into the positive force, we need not stop caring for ourselves. On the contrary, we need to extend ourselves and “include” others in our field of vision, so to speak. When we view society as an extension of ourselves, and ourselves as part of society, our perception of reality expands and encompasses our whole environment. When this shift takes place in a community of, say, 10,000 people, you suddenly have 10,000 people caring for your well-being. Caring for the community would become effortless to you because it would be your concern for others compared to 10,000 others caring for you.
The ratio between our efforts toward society compared to the efforts of society toward us is so overwhelmingly in favor of society that it would literally liberate us from worrying about ourselves. Moreover, we would free up the tremendous amounts of energy we currently spend on protecting ourselves from physical or emotional harm at work, with acquaintances, and even with our family, and would be able to use it as we wish. We would finally be able to realize our full potential without concern of failure or ridicule.
In a society that utilizes the positive force, there is no need to work in the sense that we know it. Even today, automation and robotics can do most everything for us. In the near future, human labor will become a burden on production effectivity. This will free us to engage in a new occupation: generating the positive force.
Like any new technology, we can expect the technologies designed to “harvest” the force of connection to improve the more we use them, minimizing our efforts to connect, and maximizing our benefits from it. The time that we will free up with the “demise” of labor and the improvement in our connection techniques will be used for spreading the technologies around the world and to improve personal skills and hobbies.
With a renewed sense of purpose in life, and an expansive vision of our existence, depression will disappear, and all the ailments related to it will vanish. Naturally, the same goes for war and hostilities; people have no desire to fight when they want to connect.
Currently, the future of humanity seems rather bleak. However, it is only so that we will find that there is another way—one that leads to new horizons that we could not previously imagine, yet are very, very real.
To Go Straight To The Goal
A person can’t trust any of his qualities and senses: neither thoughts nor calculations. He should annul himself to zero, adhere to the upper governance, and begin to receive everything from there.
Disclosure of the upper governance gradually enters his system and only to this extent can a person conform to the upper force. They are ready to work with the bestowing, and then with the receiving desires.
Therefore it is written: “put to death a dreamer” in you, who will constantly instigate you to go in a different direction. You should eradicate all the qualities that lead you away from the path.
Dreamers are the basis of a person’s lack of trust in the Creator, in faith above reason. After all, all one’s thoughts, knowledge, and experience can change very rapidly to the radically opposite, to such an extent that it is hard to believe.
For example, the results of modern discoveries in quantum physics already prove that there is no time, movement, space, and so on.
Everything in this movie happens in such a way that a person in his macrocosm absolutely does not agree with the microcosm. Nevertheless, he has to agree because the frontier experiments with the microcosm obliges him to do so.
He can’t get away from these results, and, therefore, although he doesn’t understand them, he accepts them. And later he tries logically to attach his mind to it. However, he succeeds only partially and for a short period of time.
Scientists will soon reach a dead end and understand that it is impossible to advance this way further. After all, in our senses we can’t imagine events that take place outside of time and space, and are closely interconnected with each other even though they are billions of light years away from each other.
It is a terrible state when you see the whole cosmogonic picture and compare it with the earthly one: what have we done here with our little animal egoism?
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/13/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 7/13/16
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