On the one hand, a person who corrects himself when he discovers the egoism inside him is considered to be dead, but on the other hand, it is an ascent, a release from the ego.
The fact that the people died from the serpent’s venom, means they were released from egoism, and so they continued to advance. We should see that everything theTorah tells us about is one body (one desire), in one person and not in many different people, since it is about one ego that has to reach the level of resembling the Creator.
“Much people of Israel died” means that the egoism on the current spiritual level is gone. On the next level it will ascend once more and the same thing will repeat itself on a new level. In fact, there is no other way because the general system is round and totally closed.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/7/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 1/7/15
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