Answer: There is nothing that helps—not army, wealth, industrial power, scientific potential, nor highly developed medicine or religion.
These things might support or slightly change to strengthen a country’s industrial, trade, and technological rating, but attaining real stability is unfeasible in this modern world. It seems to us that some countries are stable. But in fact, we cannot test their stability since it can be blown up in a moment. So far, nobody has attacked these countries and tried to destroy them.
That’s why it’s hard to evaluate how strong they really are since we can test their stability only under the condition that they oppose somebody’s hostility. South Africa is a vivid example of how easily a strong and prosperous country can be destroyed.
Question: Is Israel in your opinion a strong country?
Answer: Israel is the weakest nation because there are too many factors that constantly undermine its stability. Israel can be destroyed by one explosion at an electric station or by poisoning the water supply in the lake Kinneret. Actually, it applies to any country, but Israel is much more prone to casualties and is vulnerable to numerous factors that can destroy its solidity.
Israel can be strong only on the condition that it uses its unique force—connection with the overall global system. The Israeli nation is a part of the upper governing network that can be influenced solely by the people of Israel.
Only unity among us will lead us to strength and sustainability. If the Jews connect with each other correctly, they will impact the entire world in a positive way. Our detachment unconsciously produces negative influence on humanity.
Question: Does it mean that Israel can become the strongest nation?
Answer: Yes, it’s possible, but only on condition that the Jews unite as one man with one heart. Our unity is the unit of measurement of our country’s strength. The power of the world is defined by Israel’s strength.
Israel is the only nation that can decide on its own whether it chooses to be strong or weak. Not a single country except Israel is capable of it; all other countries depend on Israel, on its decision.
Should we choose to be strong, we will have to unite. Only our unity will provide safety. When we unite, other countries will follow our example and join us of their own free will.
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