Answer: The threat of terrorism isn’t bringing us together because we feel that it is not coming from outside the borders of Israel but really is in the heart of the nation. So, it apparently is tearing us apart inside. It is compelling each one to hide in his corner.
This is not a war where we know where the enemy is and we could oppose it with all means. Military power will not help against terrorism—that’s the problem.
We need to understand what is happening. We are beginning to receive more internal and qualitative blows that have a more meaningful influence on us. When missiles fall, then we understand that there is a danger of injury, but it is something definitive.
Terrorism sows fear in us, and most importantly, a sense of powerlessness. We know that we have the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system, aircraft, and army. If they shoot at us, we would strike back with a more powerful response.
But against terrorism you can’t do anything because it is hiding inside. But if we, thepeople of Israel, free ourselves from our “internal terrorists,” from the hatred between us, from the desire to terrorize others, then nothing would be left of the Arab terrorists on our streets either.
The only way to will destroy terrorism —is an internal correction of each in relation to his neighbor. After all, if we do not change, the next hit will be even more significant. We feel that a developed, efficient, well-organized system of terror is operating between us.
This system begins to rule over us, instilling in us the fear, the horror, the feeling that the terrorists are hiding everywhere, lying in wait for us at every step.
This system begins to rule over us, instilling in us the fear, the horror, the feeling that the terrorists are hiding everywhere, lying in wait for us at every step.
Does this description remind you of the selfish network of relationships between ourselves? This is exactly the same system—its external reflection. So far we have not seen such terror in the street, but we can come to it if we don’t begin to deal with the internal “terrorists,” with our egoism now.
The physical terrorism can accurately reflect the inner, spiritual terrorism, so terrible times will come. We hope that the Creator will not allow this to happen and that we will take care of ourselves.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/19/15, Baal HaSulam, “The Mutual Guarantee”
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/19/15, Baal HaSulam, “The Mutual Guarantee”
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