“Create asset bubbles, un-payable debt, and assure that there would be no sustainable growth. …
“Central banks have never had the primary purpose of protecting an economy , or judiciously regulating a nation’s money supply. Instead their purpose, going back to their creations over the past 400 years, has been to protect private banks and through the tool of inflation, steal the wealth of a given country and then move on to new fields that are untouched by their locust instincts. And with the U.S., Europe, Japan, and others standing on the precipice of near complete insolvency, the sociopaths within the global central banks are trying their best to deflect their failures onto someone else, and act like the results the world is experiencing was not their fault.”
My Comment: It is wonderful to discover that the egoistic world is collapsing and analtruistic world is being born. Even more wonderful is the help that is making its birth easier through the unity of those who want to be born together within a single new body, desire.
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