Twelve staffs stand for twelve parts of the common soul (four stages of three lines). So, Aaron’s staff is above the others.
Dry staffs symbolize unpromising routes of advancement and a budding staff symbolizes the path that leads to life. Therefore, all should aspire to follow Aaron and pick up their staffs under the condition that they follow him.
The common soul consists of 12 major internal properties called the tribes. Everything is built on a symbiosis, a mutual connection among them.
Twelve tribes can be connected with each other only if they are tied to Aaron of the house of Levi. This is why the Torah directs us who to follow.
Only Aaron can serve as a connection of opposite qualities. The tribe of Levi never did anything for their own sake, they work only in bestowal and the education of the people. Therefore, people advance in accordance with the degree of the self-correction that is possible as a result of the Levites’ governance and teaching.
The entire Torah speaks about faith above reason, which is a state of complete self-annulment. When we approach the revelation of the Creator, we naturally arrive at the complete annihilation of selfishness. Enlightenment is the understanding that our egoism is not us. This makes it easier on us.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/27/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/27/15
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