The Torah doesn’t speak about people and their physical death, but about our desires and attributes we think that we can correct on the current level but suddenly discover that some of them cannot be corrected. The ego is divided into 613 attributes, which together are called our ego, characterized by hatred between people, rejection of one another, and directed against our unity. No one wants to get close to anyone else and if he does, it is only in order to dominate others.
These attributes usually appear when we begin to get close to someone. But this level is yet to be reached. When we learn to get close to others and connect to them in one common heart and one common mind, we begin to feel how the forces that oppose this unity arise in us. These forces are revealed in a person as 613 attributes, desires, called Mitzvot (commandments). A Mitzva is the correction of a certain attribute we have, and the Torah tells us how to correct the forces that divide us to forces that bring us closer, connect and unite us.
But before that, we need to feel that such desires for connection and unity do exist. This is exactly what happened to Korach: he aspired for unity but believed that it was possible to reach it in a different way. When this and the other 250 desires that clung to him manifested themselves, it became clear that they were impossible to correct.
This is the reason that he fell from the level he was on, which means that the attribute of Korach in a person fell. That is, it cannot yet be corrected on the current level of the spiritual ladder. Later Korach will be born on an higher level where there are other, stronger and more accurate forces of correction that will be able to correct these desires with his method and they will be moved from their place.
Question: Does this mean that he becomes righteous?
Answer: Of course! Everything reaches the correct form. People also undergo the same “inventory”: some of the desires, attributes and intentions called people can be united with the Creator and some cannot yet be connected
At the same time, everyone takes his specific place and so some desires die because of a plague, others just suffer, and others feel that they are in a more or less normal state. This division between the attributes is necessary since without it a person will not know what is inside him and which of his attributes are focused on the goal of creation. After all, everything is measured according to the ultimate goal: which attributes I have to correct in myself in order to get close to others and reach complete adhesion with the Creator.
Everything in the Torah is described as terrible actions in which thousands of people seemingly die in a plague, but at the same time, the numbers are gematria (numerology) by which the same volume is calculated, the same density of the desires in the general soul that are put to death at the moment. This means that they are neutralized now and are not taken into account for the time being. These desires fall to the bottom, and when the time comes, they rise. This is how the sorting of desires takes place, and only those that can be corrected under the influence of the Upper Light advance.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/27/15
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 5/27/15
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