If connection between systems is severed, everything falls apart. Likewise, an organism also dies if healthy organs are deprived of interconnection due to a failure of the nervous, circulatory, or lymphatic systems.
This is exactly what is happening today in every country and in relations between countries, and only we can bring back to life the vital systems of the global body. We are doctors who will hook them up to an IV and revive the connections, domestic and international. This is the only way the world can survive.
This method is rooted in us, in the wisdom of Kabbalah, and we are approaching the stage when it will be necessary to implement it within the people of Israel, and then, by way of example, pass it on to others. Everyone will have a need for it: America, China, India, Russia, the Islamic world, and Europe. It will become our core commodity.
I hope that in the next two or three years, if not sooner, humanity will realize that this is the only thing it needs. Moreover, people will see that only Jews have it, and they will come to us with the most important demand, the age-old grievance of anti-Semites, “This is what you have, but you are not giving it to us.” At last, we will be glad to share our assets.
Question: What exactly is this commodity?
Answer: It is a method of connecting people from which arises the unity of people and governments, of all parts of a nation, of all parties and movements. Let everyone have their own opinion and their own direction, but we will learn to unite above everything, as it is written, “love covers all transgressions.”
Then, every country will become unified as one, after which it will understand how it can complement the others, and thus international unity will arise. Thus, all of humanity will become truly one whole.
It is written about this, “…for they shall all know Me from their smallest to their greatest,” and “…My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples.” This is what we need to come to. Therein is the salvation of the nation of Israel. It is not with America, but with each other that we need to build correct relationships, and only then will we save ourselves and the entire world.
Our real weapon, the true means of salvation, is the method of connection, the wisdom of Kabbalah. It structures our relationship with the world through a higher system of governance and through the providence of nature itself, the nature of creation. Through it, we can truly influence the entire world for the better.
People accuse us of wielding a secret power over the world, and indeed, we truly are capable of leading it, but only on condition that we do so responsibly, if we bring humanity to a good interconnection and a true universal unification.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/4/15
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 8/4/15
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