Answer: If we look at books that Kabbalists wrote in the last 3,500 years, for example, we will see that they wanted to disseminate this wisdom very much, not only among the Jews but to the whole world too. This is the reason that the wisdom of Kabbalah is meant for everyone, since if we don’t know how to behave properly, we will bring ourselves to destruction.
The Kabbalistic method teaches us how to connect all of humanity into one whole. It emerged during the first crisis that broke out in ancient Babylon where the lack of understanding, rejection, and division were revealed between people. Then a priest in ancient Babylon called Abraham discovered this method, and representatives of different nations began to gather around him. This group that left Babylon with Abraham became known as the Jews.
This means that the Jews are a nation not by origin, like the other nations, but are united by their ideology. They took it upon themselves to be committed to the fulfillment of the main law of the Torah, which is “love thy friend as thyself,” and this became their ideal in life and the meaning of their existence. In addition, they were also committed to be Light unto the nations, which means to bring this wisdom to the world so that the world can unite and ascend to the next level of its development.
From an Interview on RTN, New York, 21/7/15
From an Interview on RTN, New York, 21/7/15
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