Not to prostrate yourselves means to try to be as independent as possible—free.
This is a paradox, but freedom and independence must be formatted under the slogan, “for I am the Lord, your God,” which implies absolute lack of freedom. It is in this absolute lack of freedom that I attain that I must be totally free, which means to ascend above myself and be united with the Creator.
It is actually in the unity with Him that I achieve complete independence. It is hard to perceive this paradox because of its duality, but it exists. Scientists who deal with quantum physics also are beginning to realize this duality. Although they don’t perceive it, theoretically they realize that it is so.
However, how can we integrate these two opposites? It is absolutely impossible. It is impossible in our one-dimensional perception. We cannot even imagine what it means to be free according to our unity with the force of the Creator. In order to do so, we need to have an internal system that combines the two opposites.
Question: This means that I must be free of all the idols and graven images that I follow.
Answer: The idols and the graven images are essential for my development. I must hold on to something, like a child who holds on to some toy, a pacifier, or a blanket, and cannot manage without it. I feel the world through them.
It is impossible to advance without idols and graven images since we develop to the extent that we ascend above them. Each time I change the different deities until I ascend above these states by becoming totally free of the idols and at the same time am totally dependent on the Creator.
This phenomenon is typical of our times when the idols and graven images gradually disappear and a person seems to find himself hanging in the air. We are beginning to cleanse ourselves of them, but, at the same time, they also are flourishing and spreading. We soon will see the growing attraction to religion and more wars that are supposedly desirable to God.
Humanity somehow needs to cut off this tight and complex connection and do something about the economy and politics and the harm they have caused the world.
However, they will solve nothing by this method. The only alternative for the sufferings is the proper education of people and bringing them to the recognition of what is going on in the world. There is nothing else but that, no other method of changing man or of putting pressure on us, on the part of nature or society. This critical point is getting closer.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/19/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/19/14
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