Question: What does this mean: “And I will walk among you….”?
Answer: This means that all of the distance and space between us will be filled with the characteristics of the Creator, the properties of bestowal and love. So we will become His people, that system that consciously, willingly, and with love, accepts and perceives all of His laws and feels the Creator, and He us, for according to the law of “equivalence of form,” He is found among His people.
The Creator turns to all who want to be like Him by carrying out these conditions. Every person can become Israel, except for a few people who are like Amalek. They are not ready to change themselves. Yet, in each one of us, there is a characteristic of Amalek because, falling from a spiritual height, they have become mixed among us at the end of the last exile so that we became a mixture of all kinds of qualities. So, we need to wipe out the property of Amalek in us completely and replace it with a new quality. This is talking about those qualities and quantities that we must correct.
We need to understand that each one of us includes within himself all of the human qualities. So, when we correct ourselves, we can correct all of humanity and, in this way, pave the way for the rest of the people, fragments of whom already are found within us.
Question: However, it is difficult for a person to understand that each one of us is composed of all the rest, and yet you introduce this as an axiom.
Answer: I would not say that it is difficult to understand and internalize this. This is basically a scientific picture characteristic of a global world in which everyone is mutually linked, including the opposing properties within them.
The fact is that if we don’t discern reality this way, we cannot be corrected. We need to attain this thought and understand that as long as the last person of the seven billion has not corrected himself, humanity will not be corrected because his fragment exists in each one of us, he or she must be corrected and integrated with the others. This is an integral system in which each part is composed of all the rest, as well as his own.
Question: You once said that movies were for a person to identify with someone and even feel him, for example, The Prince and the Pauper.
Answer: In the world everything is created only so that our characteristics will become mingled. Movies are one of the means through which we can become integrated with others. After all, in any case it is information, no matter what.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/12/14
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 11/12/14
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