The entire creation is divided into two parts: From the outside, there is the system that is surrounded by the Light of Infinity, and from within, there is the soul. Until the system reaches the soul, it passes through 125 levels of reduction of the Lights, levels ofHa’alama (Concealment), for which reason they are called Olamot (Worlds).
So someone who doesn’t work on strengthening a connection with the group loses power and eventually leaves, and if a person doesn’t work with the Light of the present, then he doesn’t even revive himself in the present state. We must try very hard to provide ourselves with both a future and a present.
The “straight line” and the “circles” are two forms of higher management. If a person works on his connection with the group, then he discovers these two forms there. Specifically for that purpose, the forms of management through the straight line and the circles are created to bring a person to a connection that will fill his entire vessel. But how does he get this great vessel if he is only an inner point in the center of all of the circle? Just as yeasted dough expands, so he also needs to be expanded by the Upper Light and fill the entire vessel.
The desire to receive is a small point created “out of nothing.” However, if we transform it to become for the sake of bestowal, it is expanded to the size of the entire creation.
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/30/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam
From the 2nd part of the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 3/30/14, Writings of Baal HaSulam
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