A report to the Roman Club (1972) shows the possible results of population growth and intended exhaustion of natural resources. The model is based on five major parameters: the Earth’s population, industrialization, food production, exhaustion of natural resources, and contamination of the environment. Each of them has dynamics of growth and impacts other parameters.
Within the last 50 years, the population of the Earth has tripled. Today, we live in an ecological niche that is not suitable for us: If a human being developed as a natural species, the number of people on the planet today would reach only half a billion, and humankind would live in warm climate areas.
We succeed by modifying our environment and making it comfortable for living. As a result, the population has reached seven billion people; the Earth’s energy and natural resources are about to be exhausted. We already know that development like this leads to a dead end.
Our society experiences “Cassandra’s dilemma”: nobody wants to change their lives at this time for the sake of a favorable future. We lack moral and spiritual values that allow us to care about the world.
However, a lack of an adaptation strategy is less crucial than the absence of a foreseeing strategy; all present-day strategies only tend to reduce existing stress.
Comment: Humankind is unable to create a strategy for our future advancement since it’s driven only by egoism. It’s obvious that we are incapable of reaching agreement. Only the higher strategy and methodology of elevation (morality, bestowal, and love from Above) can help us. Our task is to spread the knowledge that it’s in our power to elicit the higher energy, meaning the force that will change us by enhancing our collective mindand common desire and eventually resolving the problem of our mutual connection. This in turn will bring us deliverance and allow us to ascend the next level of advancement, to become Man.
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