After this, the prophecies and movements will begin as they did with Moses, “Come to Pharaoh,” and everything will continue to happen just like in the story. You will feel how Pharaoh puts pressure on the people of Israel, loading more and more work on them. The ego brings evil to you; life will go on without benefit. All of the fruits of your work will go to Pharaoh. Everything will be swallowed up by him, and as much as you try to correct something nothing will come of it for you.
In principle, you would want a little revitalization to make your soul happy, but nothing works. A little later, the crisis will appear everywhere, even in America and in Europe. However, it is possible that it won’t come to such a state. Instead, you will do all scrutiny in emotion and intellect, and not in coarse material. The problem is that people don’t hear the warnings.
It is possible to depart from the ego without waiting for the plagues of Egypt by developing the heart and mind. But in any case, this takes time, and it is not just a few waves that will pass over you because it is impossible to overcome the ego through one wave. One big wave would drown you so it is divided into several small waves.
Here, patience is required, but it means that you have to arm yourself with all the means at your disposal: connection with friends, with the teacher, along with the study and dissemination. Then, it becomes possible to hasten time very greatly.
Question: It is terrible to discover that someone always is cheating you and striking you, and you don’t even feel that this ego is living in you as a part of yourself. Why don’t they let us see it so that we can ask to be free of it?
Answer: You could ask, but this wouldn’t help you because this would be an egoistic request. You want to see the wretch who deceives you all of your life and destroy him? However, this will work only when you ask for this in order to reach the Creator. Then, you will be shown this wretch, otherwise, no.
Moses, the “point in the heart,” must come to Pharaoh and close accounts with him. Otherwise, you are acting for the sake of your own benefit because you want to be released from difficult work, from whomever is deceiving you.
A substantial reaction is required as in a chemical experiment that makes it possible to examine the composition that is filtered and separated it into several components. If you want to discover and see the truth in Egypt, it is possible only if you try to become a single whole with the group. Then, you will begin to feel what it means to go againstPharaoh. While still in Egypt, a reaction or mechanism will appear within you that will make it possible to differentiate and clarify where Pharaoh is and where is that which is above him.
This is because you never work directly regarding the Creator. In Egypt, this is not possible at all. So, you work in relation to the group, which is called the “people of Israel.” Begin to connect all of your friends in Egypt, which is, today, what all of this world is called, and then you will see where the power of Klipa is and where the Kedusha is, where Pharaoh is and where he isn’t.
Pharaoh is everything that disturbs unity. So, you will discover him more and more until the ten plagues of Egypt, and all of these plagues are relevant to the increasing connection. Ultimately, you will understand that you must leave Egypt.
However, this is possible only through such a connection where you squeeze all of the Pharaoh out of the group like lemon juice. All of the ego will ooze out, and only the group will remain. Then, this group must be filled with the power of bestowal, something that is impossible to do in Egypt, and so it departs from there.
All of the work is done only on the connection. It is impossible to work directly against Pharaoh. You can only summon blows upon him through a connection with the friends. The ten plagues correspond to the ten Sefirot. By rising higher and higher, from Sefira toSefira, to a greater and greater intensity of connection, you summon the Upper Light to act and influence Pharaoh and filter the ego.
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/8/14, “Sukkot”
From the Daily Kabbalah Lesson 10/8/14, “Sukkot”
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