Question: Eighth rule: you must be responsible for every word you say in the team and remember that our thoughts and actions affect the entire group.
In other words, frivolity harms most of all. It kills all attempts to build the correct connections and interferes with the team spirit.
How can a person control their thoughts?
Answer: Through preparation. Not at the time when thoughts are already appearing in you but in all previous states that determine these thoughts.
Question: There will still be conflicts and disruptions at the initial stages. What can we do if this happens? What types of punishment can we use?
Answer: None. In nothing and in no way. We just need to encourage people to behave differently.
Question: Let’s say that a person has somehow shown frivolity and criticism toward another. The other person was offended. What to do? The team is destroyed, they do not talk to each other.
Answer: On the contrary, we need to sit in a circle and discuss this problem. Resolve it in such a way that it only strengthens the connections between them. We must look at all such excesses as necessary ones during the building of a team.
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/18/20
From KabTV’s “Management Skills” 6/18/20
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