Question: What should a speaker or a teacher do when students interrupt him or her? How should we work with such people? I am sure you have had this experience.
Answer: Yes, and more than once. First, I ask not to be interrupted because it will not help. I still have to answer the questions from previous attendees.
Second, I tell them that this is not going to stop me. I can answer any questions, and by their behavior, they simply show disrespect to the people who are sitting next to them and prevent them from listening.
There were very few cases when people did not want to listen to me, only once or twice in America. At one of the lectures, I talked about anti-Semitism, that it would develop in their country, and everyone was outraged: “How can you say this about our America?” They would not be saying that today.
In another lecture, I was talking about the fact that God is nature and that there is no difference between them, it is one law, one force. But the outrage of that audience was just a miscommunication, what can you do…
And all the rest, unless it is an ultra-religious audience, listen to me with pleasure. I do not say anything contrary to faith or any other ideologies. I am just talking about things that are embedded within nature.
From KabTV’s “Communication Skills” 8/14/20
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