Question: Once again we have approached the study of the Preface to The Wisdom of Kabbalah (Pticha), but at a new level, through feelings. This is so interesting, so deep, that again we miss the technical details.
Why, when we start to ask any technical questions, does it takes us away from the emotional perception that we have entered, knocks us out of it?
Answer: This happens only at the beginning. For example, when people learn to play a certain musical instrument, at first one has to work on the technique. They have to do exercises and get used to the instrument.
Once they have mastered it, then it is as if they unite with it and the instrument begins to express their feelings, those that they cannot express themselves. I take a violin in my hands and it sings they way I never could. But through its singing, through its longing, through its sounds, I am able to express myself.
It is the same here. We have to learn the instrument first. Our instrument is feelings, nothing more than feelings because we are merely the desire to enjoy. This is what the Creator created in us.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/4/19
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/4/19
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