In the News (The Earth Chronicles of Life): “‘The Dalai Lama revealed the secret of happiness’:
“Less envy and anger, more love and compassion – only through this man can come to harmony in the soul, the Dalai Lama XIV said in Riga during the spiritual teachings for Buddhists from Russia and the Baltic States.
“Man is destroyed by anger, envy, a sense of competition, fears and other negative emotions that lead to suffering, while happiness is achieved not through the implementation of unbridled desires, but through the ‘peace of mind’. Compassion and altruism help to come to him.
“’It has already been scientifically proven that anger literally destroys the immune system, while compassion and peace of mind strengthen it. If you treat others with compassion and altruism, then malice, envy and competition in you will be much less, and happiness – much more,’ said the Dalai Lama.
“A materialistic system of values makes a person a money-grubber.
“’Unchecked desires destroy both man and the environment, and this does not bring happiness to anyone. Happiness comes when the mind is at peace, when there is peace in the soul. Therefore, it is so important to train your mind,’ he said.”
My Comment: He is absolutely right, but how can this be accomplished?
Remark: In principle, it is clear what the Dalai Lama is leading to: it is a specific view of the world, meditation…
My Comment: This method is good for people with very little egoism, which used to manifest itself in humanity thousands of years ago. Also, today it also applies, but only in some parts of the world where it can really be offered and accepted.
Question: How can the state of happiness be achieved?
Answer: To do this, you need to change a person in order for a person to change the world so that the world does not chase artificial goals, but everything is in balance with nature and with each other.
It is possible, but not through a technique of just sitting and feeling happy.
Question: You said that the ego will develop and grow and that there is no escape from it. What can be done with egoism that grows and kills me?
Answer: I’ve talked about this many times. Until we show people that this final state leads us to destruction and instead there is an eternal and perfect state that we can achieve in this world now, today, until we convince humanity of this possibility, we can do nothing.
Question: How can this be done?
Answer: Only by working on ourselves, bringing ourselves to a state where we can truly become an example of correct human relationships, finding happiness and the highest quality between us.
Question: What should our relationships be like?
Answer: Love each other. The Dalai Lama also speaks about this, only it must be achieved. It is not easy and is accomplished through tremendous effort and by a trustworthy method that connects the impossible with the desired.
Is it necessary to get to this? It is necessary. Is there an opportunity? There is, but it’s hard. Here, we must reshape human nature, change it.
Question: How does human nature change?
Answer: Only under the influence of the revelation of the upper force. In attempts to unite, we reveal this force. We want this power to change us, but only this force! And not that I want to be good, and I’m already good.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/20/18
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 6/20/18
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