Baal HaSulam talks about creating a society of absolutely equal people united in one common family that exists in a state of complete mutual guarantee. This is an ideal socialist system working by the principle of “work according to one’s ability and receive according to one’s needs.”
In an altruistic society, no one will take more than he needs. At first, he will not get extra, and then he will stop taking surplus.
People will think only about the consent between all members of society and connection in such a system of interaction in which a single force—one equal, homogeneous field that will fill the entire space between them—will be revealed. This field will be revealed between them not as their derivative, but as their initial force called the Creator.
Question: Is this the ideal perception of a future person because his primordial nature is egoistic?
Answer: The method of Kabbalah is based on the correct application of egoism. It is due to mutual rejection, hatred, and other negative qualities that exist in everyone in relation to others, which we can use to restore the opposite, positive properties above them.
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 12/11/17
From KabTV’s “The Last Generation,” 12/11/17
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