“It has proved popular in Scandinavia, with more than 120,000 users across Norway, Denmark and Sweden. …
“Students will accumulate 10 points for every 20 minutes that they do not use their mobile phone between 07:00 and 23:00 every day of the week.
“Points can be exchanged for goods and services within the app’s marketplace, with brands such as Caffe Nero, Vue cinemas and Amazon signed up.
“To earn two free coffees, students will need 300 points, which equates to 10 hours on the Hold app. For free popcorn at the cinema, they will need to spend two hours to accrue 60 points.
“Students can also exchange their points for books and stationery which are donated to schools via Unicef.”
My Comment: I am not sure that smartphones will be around for too much longer. Why do we need useless conversations that come from our inner worries, from misunderstanding what is happening around us and in the world? And when a person finds an answer to this and starts to hold on to the essence of what is happening, one will not need small talk, uselessly filling the air.
Judging by the intensity with which smartphones are used today, I think this will subside soon. Desire will vanish.
Question: Does that mean that the desire for physical communication will reignite?
Answer: No, it will be on a different level—internal. Other desires will appear, different goals. People will try to find an inner layer of nature in their relationships. This layer will attract them, carry them away, fill them up. They will seek this.
Question: What layer is that?
Answer: Information about our world, but more profound, hidden within nature. This is information about what happens in nature itself manifests in each of us and in the connections between us. This source will be very interesting to us.
All the rest, what we are still looking for today, is only an unconscious connection with the same source. We do not need anything else. This is exactly what we always want to find.
From KabTVs: “News with Michael Laitman,” 3/13/18
From KabTVs: “News with Michael Laitman,” 3/13/18
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