New Life #311 – Stinginess and Generosity
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
How does society relate to the attributes of stinginess and generosity, how do we build balanced connections between people with all their opposing attributes, and how do we educate our children to do this?
It is human nature to enjoy—a person goes closer to what is beneficial to him and distances himself from what is harmful. But each person has different definitions.
One person seems extravagant, another stingy, and a third generous. Each one acts according to his character, according to his rational nature. Every nation has its own definitions of extravagance and frugality.
A good partnership can be built only above our characters. Each side should see the other as a helper, as a provider of opportunities to transcend the ego. The complementing between a couple can only be reached if it comes from each one going above his or her nature. Each one adjusts him or herself to the other.
In general, all the world’s problems today stem from a lack of acceptance and connection between people. A parent doesn’t have to look at the character of his children, but to care for the children’s social ties. In a group that is educated through the integral approach, there is an emphasis on unity and connection between everyone.
When a phenomenon is revealed, the group can discuss what avarice is, what laziness is, what lack of consideration is. How can we be connected even though there are such characteristics? And if later a thought comes to you, “ What a miser! “, then stop yourself and think, “ If that were my child…..”
From KabTV’s “New Life #311 – Stinginess and Generosity ,” 3/4/14
From KabTV’s “New Life #311 – Stinginess and Generosity ,” 3/4/14
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