“The researchers, from the University of Southampton (UK), University of Waterloo (Canada), Perimeter Institute (Canada), INFN, Lecce (Italy) and the University of Salento (Italy), have published findings in the journal Physical Review Letters.
“A holographic universe, an idea first suggested in the 1990s, is one where all the information that makes up our 3-D ‘reality’ (plus time) is contained in a 2-D surface on its boundaries. …
“Professor Skenderis comments: “Holography is a huge leap forward in the way we think about the structure and creation of the universe. Einstein’s theory of general relativity explains almost everything large scale in the universe very well, but starts to unravel when examining its origins and mechanisms at quantum level. Scientists have been working for decades to combine Einstein’s theory of gravity and quantum theory. Some believe the concept of a holographic universe has the potential to reconcile the two. I hope our research takes us another step towards this.”
“The scientists now hope their study will open the door to further our understanding of the early universe and explain how space and time emerged.”
My Comment: The wisdom of Kabbalah speaks a lot about this, but it suggests that one should be involved with the study of man, not the study of nature, to expand the possibilities of our perception, our inner characteristics, so then we will see that the picture of the world that appears before us depends completely on our inner characteristics.
As we shape the world ourselves, we limit it, and as such we also see the world. If we expand this picture by changing our characteristics, we will see the world differently, in other dimensions.
Question: Which is to say, to do this, people must change? And scientists believe it is necessary to explore nature.
Answer: The examination of nature is a very limited approach to the subject. It doesn’t yield anything. We have no benefit from this except satisfying our curiosity.
A person needs to develop and change himself. He can and must expand his internal sensory perception, emotions, desires, and thoughts so much so that he will see worlds that exist outside of him, but he will discover them when he discovers himself.
For example, a little child differs from an adult in that he perceives a small, narrow part of the world, even though he basically sees exactly what the adult sees. The question is what does it mean to “see”? The entire difference lies in this. We don’t see the inner connections of nature, we don’t see the true world but only our lowest level.
It is only when person opens the next levels of absorption, knowledge, emotion, and impressions within himself that the next level of creation that exists around us will be revealed to him.
At present, we are in a period and state in which we can understand that our movement in the direction proposed by scientists is erroneous.
We must turn inward, into ourselves, and expand our senses. But because this is connected to the ego, against our nature, we don’t want this. We sell our perceptive abilities in exchange for petty egoism.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/1/17
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 2/1/17
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