The ultimate goal of creation is to become completely similar to the upper force, due to which we will begin to live in the world of absolute goodness.
Question: But why do you think that this will satisfy everyone and make them happy? After all, there are a multitude of other suggestions on how to improve our lives.
Answer: We are all a result of the upper force that created and purposely corrupted us so that we, ourselves, would come to resemble it. The science of Kabbalah doesn’t make anything up. It only studies the system of nature and presents us the results of its research. And the result is as follows: if we really want to live in a good world, we must correct ourselves to resemble the upper force of nature.
This conclusion was determined by the Kabbalists as a result of their study that has been going on for nearly 6,000 years. They tried to realize this correction at all times in all different kinds of societies and private individuals, and even on the scale of the entire nation, and based on this they made conclusions and left us this science.
Question: Many people think that all the troubles come specifically because of the upper force, which every religion perceives differently, and which happens to be the cause of many conflicts and even wars. So how can the correction depend on the upper force?
Answer: There are many fantasies and beliefs on the topic of the upper force that keep on changing. That’s why the only thing that is important is to study the upper force and through experience to determine what the good life should really be like and how to achieve it.
Question: And what if I don’t believe in the upper force?
Answer: You don’t need to believe in anything, only explore. Faith is only related to religion and research to science. As it is written, “The judge can only act based on what his eyes see,” that is the only thing we have to rely on.
Question: What is this upper force that we have to resemble and what does the person feel during this?
Answer: The upper force is the general force that includes the entire reality in it. If a person starts being similar to it, he begins to feel the entire world, just like it does. The upper force is the cause and reason for everything that exists in the world. That is why we need to learn about it as much as possible, to know it, and as a result of this knowledge we will understand how to build our lives in a better way.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/13/17
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/13/17
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