Why do you insist that everyone has to correct themselves? Wouldn’t it be better to correct those in the position of power, so they would improve all our systems and make our lives better. What does a ordinary person have to do with this?
Answer: A simple person suffers without even knowing why. But the truth is that everyone is in charge of their egoism and will have to correct themselves.
Question: So why not correct only those who are the cause of the problem?
Answer: They are not the cause of the problem; the problem is the consequence of all of us. If we replace some people at the top, others who are no better will come to replace them. We need to correct the entire human society and then all the other levels: animal, vegetative, and inanimate will be corrected too because they all depend on man.
Question: What is so specific about each person that is detrimental to the whole system?
Answer: It is the human desire to build its success at the expense of another.
Question: But we try to help each other. There are so many humanitarian aid societies today and no one goes hungry. It looks like we care about each other and wish each other well?
Answer: The problem is that everyone judges according to their own opinion, and therefore is puzzled about why is it that we do so much good to each other, but the world keeps getting worse and worse? Apparently, we don’t know what it means to do good to each other, and what the system of nature requires of us. We don’t understand that we need to build a human society not based on our views, but according to the higher requirements, above the level of our egoistic mindsets, feelings, or philosophy.
Each person has his own understanding of what the ideal human society should look like. First, we must establish what the correct format of that society should be. We lack that understanding, and therefore we constantly enter into arguments, wars, and everyone thinks that they are in the right. Courts are overflowing with people trying to prove their convictions.
So who can give us the definition of the correct parameters of the world system for it to be an objective verdict, not someone’s opinion? After all, we all are corrupt egoists full of different stereotypes, and whether subconsciously or not, we always think only of ourselves and not of others.
That is why, the first thing we need to do is to determine the correct, objective form of the world system. And for that reason we need to turn to the science of Kabbalah, which explains what the upper force and the system of nature are and how can we become similar to it. For that is the only way we can come to a good life.
The upper force of nature is beyond us, and we cannot change it. However, we can change ourselves and bring us to harmony with it. The more we begin resembling its qualities, the better our lives will be.
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/13/17
From KabTV’s “A New Life” 6/13/17
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