Answer: The forefathers didn’t have big egoistic desires. They didn’t pass through the state of the desert.
The forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are Keter, Hochma, andBina. They had small, light desires and therefore they are called the holy fathers, since the quality of Bina (bestowal) was natural for those desires that were revealed at the time.
The forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob are Keter, Hochma, andBina. They had small, light desires and therefore they are called the holy fathers, since the quality of Bina (bestowal) was natural for those desires that were revealed at the time.
Therefore, we divide the entire history into fathers and sons. Fathers are HBD(Hochma, Bina, and Daat or Keter, Hochma, and Bina), meaning the head part of thePartzuf (spiritual body). Sons are HGT (Hesed, Gevura, and Tifferet). And the lowest part of the Partzuf, NHY, is us, meaning sons of the sons.
Comment: But the fathers still had pain, after all, Abraham asked, “And how will I conquer this land?”
Answer: Naturally, he was asking in advance because the head part feels and creates a foundation for the entire future correction until the final correction.
Question: How can we explain the phrase, “Man does not live by bread alone, but rather by, whatever comes forth from the mouth of the Lord does man live.”
Answer: There are qualities that are called pure Bina, the light of Hassadim, the light of bestowal, and this is bread. And there are qualities when inside the light ofHassadim that spreads the light of Hochma. And this is called complete bestowal, reception in order to bestow. Thus you use your egoistic Kelim (vessels) also for bestowal.
For this even bigger light is required from above that will illuminate and correct your egoistic desires to altruistic ones, which is above Bina, on the level of Hochma. Then you use that energy, that light, that comes directly from the Creator.
And it is said about this, “by whatever comes forth from the mouth of the Lord does man live.” This is double correction in two stages.
But there are all sorts of variations in the quality of Bina that represents bread.
For example, we don’t eat bread on Passover. Since the regular bread during mixing is in conjunction with water for more than eighteen minutes (meaning nine Sefirot of the direct light and nine Sefirot of the reflected light), it is considered to be in connection with Malchut and therefore we can’t use it because the connection with Malchut won’t allow us to exit Egypt.
Thus, the exodus from Egypt, meaning separation from Malchut, is symbolized by the unleavened bread called Matzah. This is one of the varieties of the quality of bestowal.
And after Passover begins the holiday of receiving the Torah, Shavuot, which is when we eat everything dairy because milk is a quality of bestowal. And it symbolizes the celebration of giving of the Torah.
All these actions are calculated in the head part of the Partzuf or soul. And after that comes the quality of sons, all those qualities that people of Israel passed under the leadership of Moses. We are at the end of development and are considered sons of the sons.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/27/16
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