Answer: This is not called annihilation of the ego but its suppression and its realization with the characteristic of bestowal and love.
Question: I cannot overcome egoism and I don’t have the ability to do anything, where is the Creator here? After all, I asked Him to help me and I tried to help Him, but nothing happened. I know that when I “nourish” my egoism, it is “satisfied,” but the “hunger” will come and overcome me again. Now it just scares me that it will appear again and dominate me.
Answer: The Creator is found in everything that a person feels. It is only up to you to try not to become distracted from this truth and to become integrated in a group because it is only in connection with the friends that you will be able to realize your characteristics correctly and transform them under the influence of Arvut (mutual guarantee) and Ohr Makif (the Light that is outside of us as long as we are not in the corrected state), to become similar to the Creator.
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