For 51 years, from 1960 to 2011, the world population grew from three billion people to seven billion. The European population is expected to decrease by 10%, while the population in Africa and Asia is expected to grow by 30%. From 2010 until 2030, there will be a demand for 734 million new jobs and society’s greatest enemy will be aging.
The fact that people today can live to the age of 85 to 90 is a big problem for all of humanity.
Answer: Of course, and why do we need to live for so many years?
Question: A person has a desire to live.
Answer: Suppose we could add some magic potion to our drinking water and prolong people’s life by 50 years. What then?
I believe that a person was not born to work and produce more, sell more, buy more, pollute the earth more, and so on.
A person must dedicate his life to studying and exploring the structure of humanity and to correcting the connection between people since through that he attains an upper energy, the upper goal.
If a person comes to this state, through correcting himself and the world, he saturates the world with goodness, with the upper energy, and then life is worth living.
Therefore, all of the billions of people who come along and the billions who will live 50 years longer must become part of a new integral education system so that they will be taught to be human beings who will bring affluence, freedom, and “oxygen” into our society.
Thus, the problem of unemployment will be solved, the problem of “extra mouths to feed” and all of our problems will be solved without exception.
Everything depends only on the degree to which we are harmonious with nature, a harmony that can exist only when we ascend above our ego. If we do that, everyone will feel good, and if we don’t, then no matter how many people there are, things will only get worse.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/29/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/29/16
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