New Life #577 – The Power Of A Kind Word
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
All of us know that words have power, so you should take a balanced line, a middle line between critical words and kind words.
The compliment exercise: A person who is complimented feels enormous satisfaction, his soul is filled directly. He feels like a baby whose mother lifts him by her hands and so he opens all lines of communication.
When a person makes an effort to flatter someone else, even artificially, it builds a true appreciation for the other. The person who compliments him, even though it is not true and is artificial, is very moved by the compliment.
Today our entire culture is filled with bad words, everyone makes fun of and embarrasses each other. The phenomenon of shaming on the Internet is rising and rising. To change this requires a revolution in perception. We must learn what our world needs to advance toward .
The wisdom of Kabbalah teaches us that we were created with an egoistic and evil nature so that we would develop a good and loving nature within us by ourselves. If we want a good life, we need to open good ties and relationships between us. We have to stop and say: Enough!
In the development of good relationships with others there are three levels: thought, speech, and action. If you don’t think good thoughts about me but you start to say good words about me, your attitude toward me will be changed.
A working exercise for home or anywhere else: select someone and everyone flatters him. He will get better! Even if you hate someone and begin to talk to him nicely or with kindness, your attitude toward him will change. And the other person, as a result your attitude attitude toward him, will truly change for the better.
More than the power of words, there is the power of thought. Good thoughts are the strongest power in the world. Try to think about people positively. What seems to me as bad about them is because of my ego. A thought like this will cause both him and me to improve because all of us are connected in one internal network.
From KabTV’s “New Life #577 – The Power Of A Kind Word,” 5/28/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #577 – The Power Of A Kind Word,” 5/28/15
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