Depression and stress are becoming increasingly widespread, many people are losing any direction in life, do not want to have children and work for the material acquisitions that their parents valued so much. The future of humanity is becoming unclear and foggy. Where does the program of development lead us?
Answer: Today’s state is wonderful as humanity starts to realize that its development driven by the growth of the egoism and the forces of the egoistic mind, heart, thought, and desire is ending. Throughout history, egoism pushed us ahead and forced us to develop many types of sciences and various technologies: from a simple stick and wheel to the most ingenious and sophisticated devices.
We reached the outer space and descended into the depth of the ocean, invented powerful computers, created exquisite paintings, music, and other works of art, and built towers almost a kilometer high. We can easily sail or fly around the globe.
A man can board a plane and fly from one continent to another with ease. It seems that with such unlimited possibilities we should be able to create a wonderful life on this earth. Modern technological development allows us to work only a couple of hours a day or even less to provide ourselves with all necessities.
At the same time we can see that nature that pushed us toward this development forced us to invent the means of destruction, all kinds of weapons. All inventions eventually are turning against us. It is obvious even in music, painting, ballet, and sport which got transformed from a game, pleasure, and beauty into the quarrels and rivalry.
Instead of elevating, religions stir up hatred of each other, stultify, and separate us. All “achievements” of humanity, from material to seemingly most spiritual ones, are not directed at man’s benefit.
That’s because our foundation is egoistic, evil. Despite our advanced mind, feelings, and talents that allow us to develop many useful things, ultimately, we turn everything into the detriment to the other. That is how our nature manifests itself, and for this reason it is called the “evil inclination.”
Therefore, eventually we get disillusioned with our development and see that the crisiswidens and deepens. On the other hand, this state shows us how badly we need change. However, we can’t tame our nature. Any innovation in the state or social order or in the family, ultimately appears to be much worse than everything there was before.
As a result we despair and raise our hands, refusing to do anything. We do not want to get married and bear children. Governments understand that they are not able to govern their states and just pretend that they do. Everybody pulls to his side, according to his vision, and the results are obvious.
It means that we have reached the recognition of evil of the human nature. In this case it is better to sit and do nothing, at least you won’t make it worse. That is why humanity instinctively started to get disappointed and slowed down its development. It is especially felt in economics and international trade.
Many young people have no aspiration to have more than what they have and prefer to live with their parents, not burdening themselves with family and obligations. They do not want to work and are ready to live on a small allowance; they do not develop, and are not interested in history, culture, or art, seeing no meaning in all this.
It is already obvious that such things do not bring fulfillment, on the contrary, all new inventions bring even stronger recognition of their evil.
Modern generation is disappointed, not knowing how to solve this problem. For the time being it is very skeptical and does not want to listen to any advice. They have already despaired of all previous development, but the pain from their own inactivity is not sufficient yet. Gradually the soil gets cultivated, into which the seeds of a new development offered by the wisdom of Kabbalah will be sowed.
From a TV Program “A New Life,” No. 767, 9/6/2016
From a TV Program “A New Life,” No. 767, 9/6/2016
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