New Life #443 – Holidays: Simchat Torah
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
What is the Torah, what makes us happy on Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Torah), how do we reach this unlimited happiness, and what do we discover when we reach it?
Torah means the Light of the Torah. It is a unique force that reforms a person, changing the evil inclination to good.
- The Light in the Torah locates the evil in us and then transforms it into good.
- When the Light transforms the evil in me to good, it makes me similar to the Creator.
- A person who reaches this exalted state, merits to feel what Simchat Torah is from a spiritual aspect.
Simchat Torah comes after Sukkot, which symbolizes the seven Lights that come to correct a person. - At the end of the process of correction, complete bestowal and love for everyone are built in a person, and through them to the Creator.
- But aren’t there those who study the Torah in whom we don’t see love for others? Right, that is because there are special conditions for this.
- One must specifically learn Torah from books of Kabbalah that are designed for our generation, and with the right teacher. Kabbalah is called the hidden Torah because it makes what is hidden in me visible.
- In the period of exile, Kabbalah was concealed from the general public; today it is again revealed to everyone.
- Simchat Torah today is from our having received the possibility of revealing the Light that Reforms to the entire world.
[145264]From KabTV’s “New Life #443 – Simchat Torah, 10/5/14
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