So what are the global catastrophes we’re most at risk from now? According to the report, even today the greatest risk are pandemics either natural ones or ones engineered by humans, and the prospect of nuclear wars. Other high-risk threats are catastrophic climate changes, being hit by an asteroid like the one that wiped out the dinosaurs. Global earth quakes or disruptions from artificial intelligence are considered low risk events, at least in the short run. The authors of the report give considerable weight to unknown factors to which it seems more difficult to prepare for, but which certainly increase the risk level (Global Catastrophic Risks).
None of the experts believes that the major risk for humanity is the separation and disunity between people
Answer: Unfortunately, we are not trying to solve the problem on the level of human relationships. These relationships are the basis of all the negative phenomena, including the impact of asteroids and volcanic eruptions. There are studies today that prove and verify the fact that different mutual mental connections do affect our environment, but these studies are few, and in the meantime we don’t see all the connections in nature.
Humanity understands that it is impossible to change human nature and that we should look for the solution on other planes because it is impossible to demand a person to be better to others or to nullify or soften his bad mutual relations with others because this issue is still on the sidelines.
“What can you specifically offer, add, to change us?” This is what people ask scientists, political scientists, sociologists, and philosophers. “You still cannot do anything for us; it is impossible.”
Their claims are absolutely justified and are based on a very realistic perspective of what is going on, because the only force that changes man is the upper force. No one can get close to this force. It works only when using the wisdom of Kabbalah. All we have to do is to understand that there is a method that can change our nature.
Therefore the wisdom of Kabbalah must be revealed to people to explain to them that there is no other way, none of tricks will yield the desired outcome because all the tricks we have are only a way to the disappointment we have encountered in the past.
Only the upper force that created the human ego can change it into the opposite force, into altruism, into love. Human egoism is world’s stumbling block. Mankind has already realized that it is necessary to act in other ways. If we remain within the framework of human solutions, without the help of the upper force, we will not be able to advance. Even if we try to improve, vote for disarmament, rush to outer space, and explore the moon, humanity will not change.
Question: Is it possible to bring humanity to an impasses so that it will feel the need for the wisdom of Kabbalah and begin to work with it just as Newton did in his days? After all he felt that there was truth in it.
Answer: No one can do it but Kabbalists. We have to disseminate the wisdom of Kabbalah, and on the way we will meet people who are very disappointed with life. Although they cannot understand our method, they will want us to fulfill it because there is no other way. The idea of the wisdom of Kabbalah is basically communistic. And today not only we ,but the world as well, is advancing toward the same principle. Communism and socialism are not obscene words anymore. There are many socialists today in America and in England, and the only danger is that the awakening of socialism will turn into nationalistic socialism, into fascism.
Fascism stems from the word “fascio” in Italian, which is a method that unites the people, but it unites them against something else. We are at a crossroads and have to choose which road to take, whether the road to socialism and communism, the road of brotherhood that unites the world above all the differences, or socialism within an independent state that intends to defeat and enslave others. This is the problem the world faces again, just like at the beginning of the 20th century. Let’s hope that when it comes to Nazism people will feel that there is an alternative so that we don’t return to the same vicious cycle.
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/1/16
From KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” 5/1/16
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