New Life #757 – Terminology Of Love
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
The Torah tells us about the internal forces that are revealed in a person who corrects himself. Men represent the ability to draw that Light that Reforms, the force that corrects the ego into the attribute of love and bestowal.The connection between a man and a woman represents a corrected system, which means a desire to receive over which an intention to bestow has been applied. Spiritual partnership is a system in which the two forces of nature are connected, the force that receives and the force that gives.
Heroism is the ability to overcome yourself, the ego, and instead of drawing for yourself moving to love everyone. Love is the strongest egoistic desire imprinted in us resulting from the upper spiritual root. Love in our world is self-love, while in the spiritual world it is the exact opposite, love of others, love thy friend as thyself.
The term “I am love sick” refers to the great desire to fill others that is impossible to implement yet. The wisdom of Kabbalah enables us to draw the Light that Reforms that develops the desire to love and the ability to reach unconditional love.
When a person who loves others does not need to receive anything in return from the loved one since the love is whole in the two inclinations—the good and the evil—so that our whole ego works for the benefit of others. All this takes place in a group of Kabbalists who establish a connection that draws the Light that Reforms and builds the attribute of love and bestowal.
The formula for that is “love will cover all our transgressions”; the ego and the hatred grow, and above them we build love between us. A person’s soul is built of two layers, infinite hatred and above it infinite love; our evolutionary process actually leads us to hatred in order to force us to learn to love.
From KabTV’s “New Life #757 – Terminology Of Love,” 8/9/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #757 – Terminology Of Love,” 8/9/16
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