New Life #622 – A New Year
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Why are we excited about renewal? Because we are people, not inanimate, vegetative, or animate. We are always in a state of development.
The expression, “new year” immediately arouses hope, but on the surface the situation is not very good this year. My personal expectation is that this year people will want to change their lives for the better and will be inclined to listen to the wisdom of Kabbalah.
What can bring renewal today is the discovery of the essence of life, a state which opens a door to a wonderful world. In this good world everything works differently, always advancing toward what is good and even better. It is like it was when we were children, when each and every day was full of pleasure and joy, games, and fun things.
Life today is very exhausting. Sometimes we take a breather, but from day to day we run an insane and tiring race. So many people no longer want to have children. Into what kind of a world would we be bringing them?
Changes are stressful for us because they require adaptation from us, accommodating ourselves to a new situation. In the future world that we described above, the innovations would be pleasant because they wouldn’t require effort. The possibility of opening a door to a new world depends upon our agreement to live a new life. The main condition for this new life is to live in connection with others, to become a single family.
This is against our egoistic nature, so we require a method that will develop a desire in us for connection. What will help to overcome the fear of change is a social agreement that it is impossible for things to continue like this.
From KabTV’s “New Life #622 – A New Year,” 9/8/15
From KabTV’s “New Life #622 – A New Year,” 9/8/15
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