New Life #750 – Conflicts In Relationships
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Nitzah Mazoz
Conflict is a natural phenomenon; it is necessary when there is contact between two individuals in creation. The ego, the desire to receive, to enjoy, and to control is constantly growing. All clashes are stem from this. Life is built on connection above the natural oppositions between us; it is written, “Let them go out and make a living one from the other” (Berachot 3b). Conflict is what teaches us what we must do to rise above it. Conflicts are instinctive in still, vegetative, and animate nature.
In the human species, the goal is to develop to “make a living one from the other,” meaning to complement each other, beyond belligerence to a more human level.
Conflict is the foundation of life; it is the foundation of our orientation in nature, like plus and minus. The true solution to conflict can only be through connection, through building a connection above opposition.
It is impossible to eliminate conflicts, it is impossible to “whitewash” them. Instead, one must learn how to build a network of connection above them. In this manner, the conflict remains in full force and we build a connection above it. This situation gives a unique additional pleasure that we are not familiar with in this world. This state is called love, and it is built in the face of hatred.
From KabTV”s “New Life #750 – Conflicts In Relationships,” 7/21/16
From KabTV”s “New Life #750 – Conflicts In Relationships,” 7/21/16
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