Answer: The fact is that the Creator first conceived to create creation, and the plan, the male part, is in order to do so. Then, through the plan—which is what the Creator wants to do with the created being, what form to shape it in and how much Light to allocate for it—He created the desire to receive, which is basically female.
Adam is the idea, the plan, or the intention, while the embodiment of the idea and the plan is the created being, Eve.
Therefore, the whole of creation is made of two parts: the female part, the desire to receive, and the male part, the intention to bestow.
In fact, there are no men in our world, but only women. Everyone has only female desires to receive, enjoy, and be filled. Thus, according to the Kabbalistic definition, they are all women.
Question: Does that mean that there is one man, which is the Creator, and all of the others are women?
Answer: If there are Kabbalists in our world, they are men. There are no other men.
Question: Don’t Kabbalists receive from the Creator?
Answer: Although a Kabbalist receives from the Creator, thus presenting the female desire in his relationship to the Creator, it isn’t female at all because the corrected state operates in him, to receive in order to bestow.
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/24/16
From the Kabbalah Lesson in Russian 4/24/16
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