New Life #739 – Does Choice Exist Or Is Everything In The Hands Of Heaven?
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Dr. Michael Laitman in conversation with Oren Levi and Yael Leshed-Harel
Where does freedom of choice exist in our lives, from what do we try to be freed, and what will bring us to attain true freedom?
The first profession in which I specialized was bio-cybernetics. According to bio-cybernetics, a human is a biological system that lacks choice with data it is born with and data absorbed from the environment in the course of life. A human thinks that he chooses and decides, just like a small child feels that he chooses when his mother leaves the room. But this is due to a lack of knowledge of the natural system, divinity. So according to the Torah, there are no punishments but correction in the direction of life.
We are like components of a system, completely operated. But there is a particular action in our lives that is considered to be a free choice. Whoever carries it out becomes a free person. When we investigate nature, we see that everything in it is linked, except for humans who are individualists with the tendency to separate. Naturerequires us to be linked with each other, in good connection, but basically everyone runs away to his own corner. It is specifically the contrast between human nature and the nature of the overall system that makes it possible for us to choose to emulate nature at the peak of our development and climb to a new level of existence, the speaking level.
A person who reaches this level is a free person; he includes two opposing forces, egoism and altruism, and the link between these two forces is within him. The ability to choose is developed in a person when he hears about this possibility. From that moment on, it is up to him to choose an appropriate environment for development. Through choosing an environment for spiritual development, the person begins to learn about his nature and the nature of the world. A person who realizes the choice of an environment is a free person because in the right environment he becomes free of his egoistic nature. When we realize freedom of choice, we attain a good and secure life, and endless possibilities will be open to us.
From KabTV’s “New Life #739 – Does Choice Exist Or Is Everything In The Hands Of Heaven?” 6/28/16
From KabTV’s “New Life #739 – Does Choice Exist Or Is Everything In The Hands Of Heaven?” 6/28/16
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