Everything that relates to the intention for myself and is a ritual of egoism must be destroyed. Therefore to burn, to smash, etc., refers to four types of killing egoism that we have to pursue until it disappears.
We are talking not about the desire itself, but about the intention on it. The desire remains in its original form. Only the intention for myself is destroyed and replaced with intention for others and for the Creator.
An altar is what I do for egoistic fulfillment. However I need to get rid of this action, this quality, and this method of filling egoism. And how can I move away from egoism? Only by crushing the method of filling it. This is demolition of the altar. It can’t be transformed, it can only be destroyed, meaning to scatter stones, break the hearth, and start from scratch.
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/6/16
From KabTV’s “Secrets of the Eternal Book” 4/6/16
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